Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ok i'm off to a poor start as my bad luck with AA continues. I have now lost 8 of the last 9 times i've had AA. Twice today I've lost with AA and this, along with a KK v AA all-in pre-flop, cost me 2 buy-ins.

Firstly someone raised UTG to $0.40 and it was folded to me in the SB with AA. I re-raised to $1.20. Just the UTG player called. The flop came 2 3 4 with 2 spades. i bet $1.50 and he went all-in for $5 more. I called and he showed KK. Running spades gave him a K high flush.

Next i again have AA in the SB and there are 2 limpers. I raise to $0.50 and the BB and both limpers call. The flop is 3 4 5 raindow. I bet $1.50 and just 1 limper calls. Turn is a Q. I bet $3 and he goes all-in for $6 more. I call and he shows Q6o. The river is a 7 and i've lost another buy-in.

Should i be raising bigger pre-flop to get rid of hands like Q6o? i would've thought a 5xBB raise would do it!

Anyway it's a bad start but i will recover.

Hours = 2
Bankroll = $48.87

Jack (MushyJim)


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