Saturday, March 25, 2006

Nice Start

Had a nice start. Second hand in i get AQo in the SB. It is folded to me and I raise. The BB re-raises but only small, and so i called. The flop came K 10 7 with 2 spades. I bet $1.20 and he called. The turn came a non-spade J. I bet $3 and he raised me to $10. At had the nuts at this point and pushed all-in. He called with 10 10 and luckily didn't pair the board on the river. After that there wasn't much action.

Cash Hours = 37.5
Cash Profit = $174.5

Tournament Hours = 16
Tournament Profit = $571

Total bankroll = $795.5 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700


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