Saturday, April 29, 2006

Started 25c-50c

I played my first session of 25c-50c last night and there is definitely a notable difference in the play. People seem to be much more aggressive, and seem to understand more about pot odds, as they chase less and bet enough to chase out draws. I played a 2 and a half hour session and ended up about $15 down. This is why I waited until I had $1,100 to move up, as I now have $100 to 'risk' to try to get used to this level. Here are some key hands...

1. I had just lost with AK and was on about $25. I had just clicked to add more chips but they wouldn't be there until the end of the hand Therefore, when I got 22 in late position I knew I would hit a set and double up. UTG raises to $2.25 and me and two other plays call. The flop comes 9h-2c-7h. The pre-flop raiser bets $5, I call and the other players fold. The turn is Qs. He checks and I bet $5. I'm not quite sure why I bet this amount, but I wanted the pot to be big enough that he would be likely to call my all-in on the river. He called and the river was 10c. He put me all-in and I called. He showed AQo. +$26

2. There are 3 late position players, including the cut-off, posting the Big Blind and I pick up AA UTG+1. I make it $3 and only the cut-off calls. The flop is 7c-10s-4s. For some reason I check and he bets $3. I raise to $10 and he goes all-in for $17 total. I call and he shows Kd 10d. He doesn't hit anything and my aces win. +$20

3. I get QcJc in the SB and call a min-raise, as do 2 other players. The flop is Jd-7c-5c which is pretty nice. I bet out $3 and 2 players call. The turn is 9c and I thought for a while how much to bet. I didn't want anyone to chase another club and decided to bet $10. Just one of them called me. The river was a pretty scary 6c. We both checked and he showed J5 for 2 pair. +$18

4. I get AKo UTG and make it $2.50 and get 2 callers. The flop is A 10 2, all spades, which is not ideal and so I try to keep the pot small. I bet $2 and get 1 caller. I know I am offering good odds for someone to chase a flush, but I don't want to risk too much on this hand. The turn is 4h and I bet $4, which he calls. The river is Jc and I'm still not really sure where I am and make a block bet of $4. He calls and shows AQ (no spade). +$14

I only only actually lost more than $10 in one hand, and apart from that just kind of lost it in dribs and drabs. This is obviously something I have to work on. Anyway the hand in which I lost...

1. I get AJo on the cut-off. There are 2 limpers before me and I limp. The button limps and the blinds call/check. The flop is A-7-8 rainbow. It is checked to me and I bet $1.75. Only the button calls. The turn is another $7 and again I'm not really sure where I am in the hand. I bet $2.25 and he calls. The river is a J which looks good. I bet $7.75 and he calls. He showed 10 9o for a straight. -$12

After this I played one heads-up game on Titan and one 6-handed STT, both of which I won. Session balance = -$9.72

Cash Hours = 63.25
Cash Profit = $286.04 ($4.52 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 40.25
Tournament Profit = $754.35 ($18.74 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1090.39 (next target reached)

May 1st - $700
June 1st - $1100
July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000


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