Monday, April 17, 2006

$1000 reached!

I've been playing more on PartyPoker and it's been up and down. I played 5 sessions with results of +$1.50, -$18.50, +$6, +$9 and +$8.50, so all pretty even. I then played my first long session for a while. Although an hour and a half isn't long if you are playing in a tournament, I find it very hard to concentrate for much longer than this in a cash game.

Anyway I ended the session up about $60, and these are the key hands...

1. KK v JJ on a K J 5 board. Doesn't need much explaining, all the money went in. +$15.

2. I get dealt KQo on the button. There is 1 limper and I limp, the SB folds and the BB checks. The flop is KQQ rainbow (nice!). The BB checks and the limper bets the pot, $0.85. I think that if I check then this would be more likely to smell of a Q, and so I raise to $2.25, hoping for it to either look like a bluff or a K. The turn is a 5 and he bets out $1 into the $5.35 pot. I raise to $3 and he re-raises to $5. I put him on the queen now and just call, as I have position on him on the river. The river is an 8 and he bets $2 into the $15 pot. With such a small bet I am pretty confused as to what he has, and figure he won't call a raise. It's worth a go though, so I raise to $10. He min-raises back to $18 and I push all-in for $35 total. He calls and shows K8. Beauty. +$40.

3. I get 99 in MP. There are 2 limpers before me and I limp. Everyone folds to the blinds who call and check. The flop comes 4c-Ks-9s. SB bets $1, BB calls, 1 limper calls (same player with K8 in previous hand) and I raise to $4. The SB and limper call. The turn is Qc and the SB checks. Limper bets $2 and I raise to $7. SB folds and limper calls. River is a 5 and the limper checks. He only has $2 left so I put him all-in. He calls with KQ. +$17.

4. Get 93o in the BB. Flop comes 9 high. I bet it, 1 caller. Turn is a blank. I bet, he calls. River is a 3. I bet, he raises, I call. He shows 22 for trips. -$7.

5. I get JJ against a pre-flop min-raiser. I have an overpair to the board and think it's good as he check-calls all the way. He shows AA. -$7.

6. AK v A8 on A98 flop. -$5.

Anyway, all-in all a pretty pleasing session. Session balance = +$64.88

Cash Hours = 55.5
Cash Profit = $256.81

Tournament Hours = 31.5
Tournament Profit = $716

Total bankroll = $1022.81 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400 - April 1st Bankroll = $863.62 = +$463.62
May 1st target = $700


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