Thursday, April 13, 2006

Success at Party!

Played my favourite tournament on Tuesday but it did not go according to plan. There were only 59 entrants and 30 places paid so it shouldve been easy, but it wasn't. I laid down AA on a 9x-Js-Qs flop when i was re-raised all-in, only for him to show A10. I was then quite short and got A8 in the BB. There were two late position limpers and the flop came A 8 7. I bet out and 1 limper called. The river was a rag and I went all-in. He called with AA. I never even considered him having AA, I thought he might have enother set but had to tae the chance.

SInce then I have played about an hour of cash games on Titan and broke about even. I was doing well until I tried to make an amazing call with 33 on a J 7 6 5 2 board, thinking he had missed his flush draw. He had infact missed his flush draw, but he also had 2 pair, so not the best call.

I then decided to give PartyPoker another spin and everything went well! I only played for half an hour and made over $50 at 10c-25c. There were 3 key hands...

1. I call with 89s. The flop comes 7 10 Q rainbow and someone min-bets. I call along with a few other people. The turn is a 2. The min-better now bets about 2/3 of the pot. It was probably a fishy call, but I called. The river was a J and I bet 2/3 of the pot. he called and showed Q2.

2. I have QsJs and limp in late position. The flop comes 5h-Qh-Jd and the first to act bets out the pot. The nest player calls and I raise 4 times his bet. Just the first player calls. The turn is the Jh, nice. He checks to me and I bet $6, about half the pot. He calls. The river is 9h, and he bets out $2. The pot is about $25 annd he only has about $6 left and so I put him all-in. He folds but it's still a nice pot.

3. The very next hand I get 8d9d. An early poistion player raises to $1 and the player after him calls. I also call. The flop comes 8 8 10. the EP player bets $4 into the $3.35 pot. The next player folds and I just call. The turn is a 3. He now bets $10 into the $12 pot, and only has $8 left. I put him all-in and he calls with KK. The river is a J and I take the pot.

Session balance = $47.65

Cash Hours = 51
Cash Profit = $190.73

Tournament Hours = 31
Tournament Profit = $717.20

Total bankroll = $957.93 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400 - April 1st Bankroll = $863.62 = +$463.62
May 1st target = $700


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