Thursday, June 22, 2006

$2k Reached!

I started back on 25c-50c and this is how it started...

About 5 hands in I get 44 in MP. 1 player limps and I limp. The button raises to $1.50 and the BB, the limper and I call. The flop is A-6-4. The BB bets $3 and the limper folds. It is a fairly safe flop for me and I just call. The button raises to $7 and the BB goes all-in for $30. I can ony be behind to another set, and so I push in for $46. The button calls. BB shows A6 and the button shows AK. The turn is an A and I lose the main pot. Although I only lost $17 on this hand, it felt like I lost the other $100 too. The is probably the bad beat for the most amount of money I've had in a cash game, and although I was annoyed, I didn't let it effect my game.

I then ground out a few pots until this hand arose...

It is folded to the cut-off who raises to $1 and I call on the button with AQ. The blinds fold. The flop is Q77. He checks and I check. The turn is a 6, he checks and I bet $2. He calls. The river is a J and he checks. I think that if he had a strong hand he wouldn't check the river, and so I bet the pot, $6.75, trying for it to look like a bluff. He pushes all-in for $31.10 and It's a tough decision but I think I'm ahead and call. He shows KJo.

That was the only big pot I won. At one pot I got 22 twice in a row and hit a set both times. On these 2 hands i won a massive $1.45 total. Overall I'm very pleased. If I had won with my 44 when I was over a 85% favorite I would've been up $115 for the session. However, I didn't tilt, and although I didn't get paid off on any of my sets, I ended up up $20.25.

Cash Hours = 112.75
Cash Profit = $584.65 ($5.19 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 60.5
Tournament Profit = $1379.79 ($22.81 p/h)

Total bankroll = $2014.44 (next target reached)

July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000


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