Saturday, March 25, 2006

Frustrating session

It was starting to be a very frustrating session. Every time i had a good starting hand, I would completely miss the flop. I had KK, the flop was A-J-x, i had QQ, the flop was A-J-10 etc etc. Then I get A10 in the BB. The flop is A-J-10 and I bet. 1 caller. Turn is a rag, I bet and I'm called. River a Q, I bet and I'm raised all-in. Nice. Then I get JJ. Flop 10 9 3. I bet, get raised, it gets called, I re-raise, first raiser goes all-in, second calls, I fold. One shows 33 so it was the right fold, but it's all very frustrating.

Then I get AA in middle position and I make it $1.25. A player in late position makes it $3. The button goes all-in for $7.50 and I push all-in after him for $22. Late position calls all-in for $20. The baord comes very 4-5-5-7-10 with 4 hearts and I'm sure I'm going to get outdrawn, but then it gets pushed towards me. I check the hand history and they had QQ and Q9o respectively. So despite a bad session, I didn make a little profit, and have now passed the $800 mark. Roll on $1k!

Cash Hours = 39
Cash Profit = $188.52

Tournament Hours = 16
Tournament Profit = $571

Total bankroll = $809.52 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700


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