Monday, March 27, 2006

Busy night

Because of the impending lack of poker, I thought I'd have a big session last night and play a few tournaments. Although only 1 of them counts towards this bankroll building challenge, I'm still going to give a brief description of my evening.

5pm - $50k satelite - Pacific Poker - start
Yesterday when I was waiting for a mate to come round, I decided to play a $1+$0.10 8 seater sub-satelite for the $50k garanteed. I won it and got a $7+$0.70 seat to this satelite. There were 200 entrants and the top 20 got a ticket to the $50k garanteed.

6pm - $10+$1 deepstack - PokerStars - start
I like the deepstacks, even though they take a very long time, they feel like good value. In this one there were about 1200 entrants, with 135 places paid and top prize being $2.8k.

7.30pm - $50k satelite - Pacific Poker - finish
I was pretty confortable the whole way, with an above average stack. However, as it approached the final 20 I was just trying to hang on, and when the 21st person went out I had an M of just over 1. Close, but atleast I made it.

8pm - Student freeroll - Titan Poker - start
Because I was playing in the other tournaments, I wasn't taking this one too seriously. There were 170 runners with the top 30 being paid, 1st getting $75. I called an all-in on the 2nd hand with AKo and managed to outflop 10 10. I carried on taking a few risks.

9pm - $50k garanteed - Pacific Poker - start
Pacific tournaments usually have a very poor structure, but this had a 2000 starting stack and 15min blinds, so there was quite a bit of play. There were 760 runners with the top 80 being paid. First prize took $11k and I really wanted to turn my $1.10 into $11k!

10.30pm - Student freeroll - Titan Poker - finish
Despite playing fairly recklessly, I was managing to hit quite a few good hands and ended up coming 3rd for $50. I was pleased because when the final table started I was in 10th position, but got some good hands at key points. However, I was most pleased because I knocked out my nemesis. Earlier in the tournament I had raised with AJ and been re-raised all-in by this clown. I called and he showed A2. The flop was K2K and he doubled up and took a big chunk of my stack. There was a bit of banter afterwards, as I was pretty annoyed.

With about 7 to go I raised with 77, and clownboy again re-raised all-in. This time it wasn't too much extra to call, and he showed AJo. He missed and I knocked him out. Sweet. In the end I think I went out trying to steal with 56s.

11.30pm - $10+$1 deepstack - PokerStars - finish
Now this was annoying. I was playing this one with a friend, and after 5 and a half hours we were doing ok, coming about 100th out of 160. We hadn't picked up a single high pocket pair in all that time, but had managed to build our stack from 5k to 25k. This was still below average but easily enough to still play poker.

With blinds at 400-800 and a small ante, we picket up 77 UTG. Small raises had been taking pots quite often, and we felt that if we just limped then there would be a good chance of a raise. Therefore we decided to raise to 2k, and there were 2 callers. The flop came 9s 7c 2c. We again bet 2k into the 8k pot, trying to look weak. One of the caller raised us to 10k, and we pushed all-in. He called and showed As 9c. We were 94% favourite to win and have a 50k+ stack, good for about 30th position. However, the board came running clubs and we were out. Gutted.

12.30am - $50k garanteed - Pacific Poker - finish
It all started badly, and I was blinded down to about 1,000 in chips with blinds at 75-150. I then picked up As Qc and there was a raise to 450 UTG. UTG+1 called and I decided to push and hope to get lucky. The button re-raised all-in and it was looking bad. UTG folded and UTG+1 called, showing JJ. The button showed AK. The board came with 4 spades and I was up to 4k!

From then on it was all going well, and I was in the top 10 all the way to the bubble. However, then I stupidly tightened up way too much, and was pretty short once we were in the money. I then managed to double up, but was still short. It was folded to me on the button and I pushed with 22. The BB was the big stack, and he called with 93o. He hit a flush and I was out in 64th.

Although I'm obviously pleased that I managed to get $150 for my $1 invested, I am a little dissapointed that I played so scared around bubble time. Oh well, not a bad evening, although the running clubs still hurt.

Cash Hours = 39.5
Cash Profit = $193.72

Tournament Hours = 20.5
Tournament Profit = $625.40

Total bankroll = $869.12 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700


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