Saturday, June 24, 2006

2 bad sessions

Session 1
Betfair, 25c-50c. 2.5 hours, 4 tables.

I had 31 pocket pairs in this session and hit an impressive 2 sets. The first of these won me a whopping $0.95. The second went like this...

I have KK in MP. It's raised to $2 in MP and I decide to just call. I am happy to give up on the hand if it becomes dangerous and I want to disguise my hand. 3 others call. The flop is K-8s-3s. The pre-flop raiser bets $8 and just I call. The turn is 4c and he checks. I go all-in for $28.30 and he calls with 9s10s. The river is As. Nice.

Session 2
PartyPoker, 25c-50c. 0.75 hours, 4 tables.

Keys hands...

- I get AK in EP and make it $2. I get 4 callers. The flop is Ac-6-9c. I bet $6 too see the reaction, and just 1 player calls. The turn is 8h. I think I am ahead and he has a worse A, and therefore drawing to 3 outs, or he has a flush draw. I bet $14 and he calls. The river is Qh. He only has $14 left and if I check and he goes all-in I would have to call, so I put him all-in instead. He calls with Jc10c.

- I get AK on the button and raise to $2. I get 1 caller. The flop is A-9-3. He checks and I bet $3. he calls. Turn is a 6. He checks and I check. The river is a 5 and he bets $10. I should fold here but for some reason I call. He shows A6.

- I get 88 in the cut-off. There are 2 limpers and I limp. The blinds call/check. The flop is 8-2-5. The first limper bets $5, the second limper calls, and I call. The blinds fold. The turn is a 10. Player 1 bets $7.13, player 2 calls and I call. In hindsight I should've raised here. The river is another 10. The both check to me and I bet $20, enough to put them both all-in. Player 1 calls, showing AA. Player 2 folds.

Sessions balace = -$85.59

Cash Hours = 116
Cash Profit = $499.06 ($4.30 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 60.5
Tournament Profit = $1379.79 ($22.81 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1928.85 (next target reached)

July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000


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