Saturday, July 29, 2006

6-handed = big variance!

I was expecting the variance to be greater when I started playing a looser, more aggressive style and it definitely is! Although I don't seem to lose many big pots, I do lose a lot of small pots, as people try to trap me when I am too agressive. I'm played 2 sessions recently and here's how they went...

Session 1
PartyPoker, 10c-25c, 6-handed. 2 tables, 1.5 hours.

- I get 10-4o in the SB. The button limps and I call. The BB checks. The flop is 10d-4h-3d. I bet $0.65 and the button min-raises to $1.30. I make it $5 and he calls. The turn is 3h. I check and he also checks. The river is 3c. I check and he goes all-in for $7.55. I call and he shows 5d-2d = +$11.80

- I raise in the cut-off to $0.65 with 7h-8h. The BB makes it $2.05 and I call with position. The flop is 9-10h-2. He bets $3 and I make a fairly loose call. The turn is Qh and he again bets $3. I now have an open-ended straight draw and a flush draw. Also, he has not shown much strength but betting the same amount again. I therefore decide to min-raise him and see what happens. If he just calls then I think he will fold to an all-in on the river if I miss. He calls and the river is 6d. He bets $8.43 and I go all-in for $15.56. He thinks for ages and folds = +$17.63

Session 2
PartyPoker, 10c-25c, 6-handed. 2 tables, 0.45 hours.

- there are 3 limpers and I make it $1.50 on the button with AKo. I get 2 callers. The flop is 5-Kh-8h. First to act bets $0.75 and the other better folds. I decide to trap and just call. The turn is 2d. He again bets $0.75 and now I think he is on a flush draw. I make it $4 and he calls. The river is 5c and he bets $5. I should probably lay this down, but I call and he shows 5h-6h = -$11.25

- I raise to $0.65 with 9s-5s UTG. I get 3 callers, and I am 3rd to act. The flop is 8s-2s-6. The SB bets $0.25, the BB calls, and I am not really paying attention and just call. The button makes it $2.50 and the SB and BB call. I think the button just sensed weakness and tried to take the pot, and although I think one of the SB or BB may be on a flush draw, I don't think they would call all-in with it. Therefore I decide to push all-in for $21.50. Everyone folds = +$8.85

- I raise to $0.65 UTG with QQ. I get 3 callers and I am 2nd to act. The flop is 4-6-K. The BB bets $0.25 and I make it $0.65. The button and the BB call. The turn is another 6. The BB again bets $0,25 and I make it $1.30. The button folds and the BB min-raises to $2.35. I now know for a fact, from the way that he has played previous hands, that he has a 6. However, for whatever reason, I call. The river is a Q. He bets $7 and I push all-in for $24.28. He calls with 10-6o = +$27.98

Session balance = $44.59

Cash Hours = 139
Cash Profit = $985.53 ($7.09 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 70.75
Tournament Profit = $1469.53 ($20.77 p/h)

Total bankroll = $2460.47 (next target reached)

August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000


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