Saturday, July 08, 2006


Played 3 cash tables to try and reach the bonus, and one MTT (on Stars so not part of challenge, and I bloody bubbled anyway!). Here's the info...

PartyPoker, 25c-50c. 2.5 hours, 3 tables.

Key hands...

- get QQ in the BB. 1 limper and I make it $2, he calls. The flop is 6h-7-3h. I bet $2.75 and he raises to 414.50. I don't think he would bet this strongly with a set or a straight, and so I think he either has an overpair, which I almost certainly beat, or a flush/straight draw. I push all-in and he calls with 8h5h. He is actually a slight favourite, but the turn is Qc and river 5s = +$30.05

- I am in the SB with Qc7c and 8 of us see a flop of Q-10h-7h. I bet $2.50 and get 2 callers. The turn is 4d. I bet $7 and get 1 caller. The river is a 7 and I go all-in, hoping he'll call but thinking he probably has a flush draw. He folds, saying he had KhQh = +$14.25

- I get KK in the BB. There are 6 limpers and I make it $3.50. I get 3 callers. The flop is A-6d-9d and I am ready to give up on the hand. However, it checks round and the turn is a K. I bet $10 and they all fold = +$11.25

- I get TT in the SB. There are 2 limpers and I just complete (it's only my second hand at the table). The flop comes Q-10-4. I bet $1.20 and the BB raises to $2.40. The limpers fold. I just call, hoping to trap. The turn is a 7 and I check. he bets $1.74 and I make it $4.75. He calls. The river is a J and I put him all-in for $8.80. He calls with AQ = +$15.80

- I get AQo in the SB. There are 2 limpers and I just call. The flop is A-7s-5s. I bet $1.20 and just the button calls. The turn is a K. I bet $2.75 and he raises to $5.50. I call but fear I am beat. The river is a 5. I check and he bets $7. I know 100% that I should fold, but I call, and he shows K5o = -$14.20

- Session balance = $48.87 (298 hands to bonus)

I know I now have the bankroll for 50c-$1 but I am still not completely confortable cash gaming. I feel I am just getting used to 25c-50c and don't want to jump up too fast. My aim is to get to $2500 and then move up.

Cash Hours = 128
Cash Profit = $686.41 ($5.36 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 67.5
Tournament Profit = $1467.34 ($21.74 p/h)

Total bankroll = $2203.75 (next target reached)

August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000


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