Friday, September 01, 2006


I've done it! The challenge is complete, with 1 day to spare! Here is how I finished it off...

Session 1
PartyPoker, 25c-50c. 6 tables, 0.75 hours.

- Two hands into the session I get AA on the button. Someone in MP limps and I make it $2. The blinds fold and the limper min-raises to $3.50. He obviously likes his hand, so I push all-in, hoping to look weak. He thinks for a while and then calls with AKo, and misses = +$46.75

- I then didn't play another big pot, but just couldn't hit a flop! My continuation bets got raised so much that despite probably not losing more than $4 in a single hand, it ended up a losing session.

Session balance = -$12.35 (72 hands to bonus)

Session 2
VC, 10c-20c. 4 tables, 2.75 hours.

- no big pots either way. I was trying to reduce variance so that I would complete my challenge, and it ended up a boring session with no key hands.

Session balance = $24.44

Session 3
PartyPoker, 25c-50c. 6 tables, 0.75 hours.

- I think I played this hand badly, but here's how it went... I get KsQs in the cut-off. The person on my right makes it $1.50 and I call. The button also calls. The flop is Kh-8h-J. The pre-flop raiser bets $2, I call, and the button min-raises to $4. The raiser calls, as do I. The turn is a 4. The raiser checks, I bet $4, the button pushes all-in for $5.11 and the raiser calls. I also call. The river is a 3. The raiser checks, and I put him all-in for $3.39. He folds. The button shows Qh10h and I take the pot = +$20.37

- I raise with AQ UTG and the button says "what do you have?" as he calls. The flop is K-2-3 and I bet $2.50, as I say "AK - you?". He min-raises and says "KK". Normally I would fold here, but the chat threw me a bit, and so I re-raised to $9.50. He then moves all-in, and I fold. He shows KK = -$11.50

- Good or tarrible call? I get 33 UTG+1 and make it $1.50. I get 2 callers and the SB makes it $5. I call, as does the cut-off. The flop is 10-8d-4. It is checked round. The turn is 6d and the SB checks. I think I might be good here, so I bet $8. The cut-off calls and the SB folds. The river is another 10, and I check. The SB bets $10 and I think. He would've bet a 10 on the flop and I don't think he would bet an unsetted pocket pair here. With a set he would bet more. Therefore, the only hands I think he might have are 7-9 or 7-5, or a bluff. Normally I would lay this down, but I call and he shows 5d-2d = +$27.35

Session balance = $34.99 (+$100 in bonus)

Session 4
VC, 25c-50c. 4 tables, 1 hour.

- I played a home game last night and got knocked out early (trying to make a squeeze play) and so I signed on to VC. I do have the hands saved, but early on I lost with AA v A9 and KK v AJ, both all-in pre-flop. I also lost a big pot with KK v Q10 on a QJ2 flop. I felt things weren't going my way, but I eventually won a big pot with A9 when 67s tried to bluff me on a 6-K-A-A board.

Session balance = +$25.72

So that's it, I'm off travelling tomorrow, but when I get back, a new challenge will start, where I try to make $5k in order to go to Vegas!

Adios amigos

Cash Hours = 172.25
Cash Profit = $1537.22 ($8.92 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 73
Tournament Profit = $1459.58 ($19.99 p/h)

Total bankroll = $3046.80 (CHALLENGE COMPLETE)