Saturday, August 12, 2006

An hour for that?

I played my first 6-tabling session on 25c-50c and this is how it went...

- I am in the BB with Q8o. There are 3 limpers and the SB folds. The flop is Q-Q-9. I bet $1.25 and this player who is on tilt goes all-in for $8.54. It is folded to me and I call. He shows AA, nice. The river is an A, not nice = -$9.04

- UTG limps and I make it $2.50 UTG+1 with AA. UTG+2 and UTG are the only callers. The flop is 2-J-5 and UTG checks. I bet $4 and just UTG calls. The turn is a 10 and he checks. I have a suspicion I am being trapped and just check. The river is a 6 and he bets $5. I think I am beat but I'm getting over 4-1 odds so I call and he shows J10o = -$11.50

I won quite a few small pots though, and after an hour on 6 tables I ended with a massive profit of $1.01! I'm still pleased though, if the tilter doesnt hit his 2 outer in the first hand then I end up $20 and I also hit a few sets that only won me tiny pots. Next time they'lll be monsters!

Cash Hours = 145.5
Cash Profit = $1023.05 ($7.03 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 71.25
Tournament Profit = $1468.38 ($20.61 p/h)

Total bankroll = $2541.43 ($458.57 to next target)

September 1st - $3000


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