Monday, August 28, 2006

Nuts v 2nd nuts

I've played 2 sessions in the last few days; 1 on party to get towards the bonus, and 1 on VC to take advantage of the awful players. Here's how they went...

Session 1
PartyPoker, 25c-50c. 6 tables, 1 hour.

- UTG+1 raises to $1.50 and I am UTG+2 with AA. I make it $5 and it folds round to the BB. He goes all in for $23.06 and the original raiser folds. This couldn't be sweeter as the BB is called SpursWHL and I have been giving him lots of stick about their 2-0 loss to Everton. Anyway, I call, he has KK and misses = +$22.46

- MP makes it $1.50 and gets called. I call with AKo in the cut-off and the button also calls. The flop is A-J-5. The original raiser bets $5 and it's folded to me. I think I'm ahead, but want to see what the player behind me does, so I just call. He folds. The turn is a 10 and he goes all-in for $18.50. I don't think he would do this with 2 pair, so I think it is either a split or I'm ahead, so I call and he shows AQ = +$26.10

- I'm in the SB with Ah-5h. There are 3 limpers, I complete and the BB checks. The flop is A-Q-7h. I check and it is checked round. The turn is 8h. It is checked to MP who bets $3. An LP player calls and I make a fairly loose call, drawing to 9 hearts and possibly 2 aces and 3 fives. The river is Jh. Wicked, I have the nuts! I bet $8 and the MP player calls. The LP player then pushes all-in for $26.10. Ha ha, I have the nuts!... Fuck, he has 10h9h, doesn't he? What else would he raise with? If he was a half-decent player, he would realise that I called on the turn, therefore it was likely I was on a draw. I then bet out on a heart river. If he has the K high flush here, he would surely just call. However, getting 3-1, and knowing PartyPoker standard, I can not assume he is a half-decent player. I therefore push all-in for $43, trying to create a side pot, but the other player folds. LP shows 10h-9h for a straight flush. He had the nuts, I had the 2nd nuts = -$29.60

Session balance = -$36.43 (350 hands to bonus)

Session 2
VC, 25c-50c. 4 tables, 0.5 hours.

- I get AA in EP and raise to $2.50. A player in Mp and the BB call. The flop is 10-5-5. The BB checks, I bet $4 and MP raises to $8. The BB folds. I have played with the MP a few times, and I know he likes to make a lot of plays, and that he likes to take pots if he thinks the bettor has nothing. I therefore decide to raise to $16, but decide I will fold to his all-in. He then goes all-in for $47.22 and I immediately call. He shoes 65s = -$49.72

- I raise to $2.50 in EP with AJo and get 1 caller. The flop is Kh-2h-Q. I bet $2 and he calls. The turn is a 2, I check and he bets $2. I think I'm behind but I feel it is worth another $2. I call and the river is 10h. I am a bit worries about the flush and so decide to check-call. I check, he bets $5 and I call. He shows 5c-3c (note made) = $11.07

- I'm in the BB with 97o. There are 2 limpers and the button makes it $1.50. The SB calls, and I call thinking the limpers will also call. They do. The flop is 8-4-5. It is checked to LP who bets $1. The button and the SB call, as do I. The turn is the beautiful 6. The SB checks, I bet $8 and only the SB calls. The river is a K. He checks, I bet $20 and he calls, mucking his hand, which must've contained a 7. I had the nuts, he had the 2nd nuats = +$34.00

- There are 2 limpers and I limp in the cut-off with 97s. The flop is 8-2-Q. It gets checked round, as does the 5 on the turn. The river is a 6 and MP bets $3. I go all-in, and he calls with his remaining $21.23. He shows 43, for the 2nd nuts. I have the nuts = +$23.69

- I get AA UTG+1 and make it $2.50. The person earlier with 53s is the only caller. The flop is 9-2-4 and I decide to overbet the pot for $8, hoping he sees it as weak. He moves in for $20.91, and I call, fairly confident I am ahead. He shows 55 = +$21.79

- It is folded to the button, who min-raises. The SB folds, and I call in the BB with 10-8o. The flop is a fairly attractive 8-8-A. I bet $2 and he calls. I hope he has the A! The turn is a dream card, another 8. He is now even less likely to put me on the 8, and he doesn't have to worry about his kicker. I check, he bets $2 and I make it $10. He calls. The river is a K, and I go all-in for $154, although he only has $56.50 left. He thinks for ages, and eventually calls with A5 = +66.75

Session balance = $113.03

Cash Hours = 168
Cash Profit = $1390.14 ($8.27 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 72.75
Tournament Profit = $1462.88 ($20.11 p/h)

Total bankroll = $2903.02 ($96.98 to next target)

September 1st - $3000


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