Friday, May 19, 2006

2 losing sessions

Not the best sessions, very card dead but here's what happened...

Session 1
- get 88 in the BB. The cut-off raises and I call. The flop is 3-2-2. I check and he bets the pot. I raise and he pushes. I have to fold = -$12.75

Session 2
- get AA in LP. The 2 players on my right limp, and I make it $2.50. The first limper calls and the second raises to $9.50. I raise another 5 to put him all-in. He calls with KK and I take the pot = +$16.15
- get KK in the SB. The same 2 players on my right call and I make it $3. Again the player on my right re-raises to $5.50. I make it $20 and he calls. The flop is Qh-Jh-2. I am stupid and push all-in, and he folds, but it is still a bad move! = +$21.35
- get 66 in the BB. There is a raise and I call with 2 others. The flop is 6 7 9 and I pay-off 8 10 = -$53.45

- session balance = -$41.70

Cash Hours = 77.75
Cash Profit = $552.78 ($7.12 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 48.75
Tournament Profit = $996.95 ($20.45 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1599.73 (next target reached)

June 1st - $1100
July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000


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