Thursday, May 11, 2006

25c-50c - great start, terrible end

Played another session 4-tabling 25c-50c and this is how it all went...

Table 1
- buy-in - $50
- get AA UTG+1 and raise to $2. Folded to the button who calls. SB folds and BB re-raises to $6.50. I re-raise to $17.50. The button calls and the BB goes all-in for $50. I call for $47.95 and the button calls for $50. The button shows AK and the BB shows QQ. The flop is K high, but the turn is an A and they are both drawing dead. This is my biggest pot ever - $141.10
- table drops to 5 people and it's time to leave
- end - up $87.85

Table 2
- buy-in - $50
- lose a bit calling a raise with 88 and folding to a big bet on a 333 flop (he had AA) and won a small pot with KK - $56.55
- get QJs in the SB. There are 2 limpers and I call. The flop is A-Q-Q and I end up winning a small pot off A7 - $56.05
- get KK in MP. It is folded to me and I raise to $2. A player 2 to my left calls and everyone else folds. The flop is Q-Jd-7d. I bet $4 and he calls (worrying!). The turn is 4h and now I just want a cheap showdown. I check and he bets $5. I figure if I raise he will check the river, and so I min-raise to $10. He calls. The river is another J and I check. He bets $10 and I am pretty sure I am beat but I am getting over 4-1 odds and so I call. he shows KJo. Lucky shit - $26.50
- very next hand I get AQo and limp. There are 3 other limpers and the blinds call. The flop is Q-6h-3h. The blinds check and I bet $2. It is folded to the last limper who raises to $5. The blinds fold. Maybe if I had a full stack I could get away from this, but will only 50BBs I was stupid and re-raised to $12. He goes all-in and I am tilting and call. He has 33 and winsthe pot.
- quit straight away
- end - down $50

Table 3
- buy-in - $50
- have 8d5d in the BB. There is one limper and an LP player min-raises to $1. It is folded to me and I call, as does the limper. This min-raise is often a high PP and so I hope to crack it and get paid off. The flop is 9-7-6 so I have the straight - nice. I bet $2, limper calls and pre-flop raiser raises to $4. I re-raise $10.75 (a mistake I think, I should've slowed down). The limper folds and the raiser calls. The turn is a 2 and I bet $15. He folds - $63.65
- end - up $10.20

Table 4
- buy-in - $50
- get 22 in MP. There are 2 limpers before me and I limp. It is folded to the cut-off who raises to $1.70. Only 1 limper calls and I also call. The flop is 2s-3s-J. I bet $2.50 and the pre-flop raiser min-raises and I think I'm about to get paid off by an overpair! The limper folds and I raise to $12. He calls. The turn is a non-spade 7. We both have about $35 left and I want to take all his. I figure if I bet $10 and then go all-in on the river he won't be able to fold with those pot odds. I bet $10 and he calls. The rivers a non-spade 10 and I go all-in. He calls and shows AsJs. I got a bit lucky here, as not only would I have paid him off if the river was a spade, but I am also lucky that he still called on the river when he had missed his flush.
- limp with 99 UTG. There is 1 other limper and the big stack on the cut-off raises to $3. I have big implied odds and so call, everyone else folds. The flop is 9-10-10 and I bet $5. He thinks for ages and finally folds, saying that he had QQ. I really wasted this hand, and should've got paid off here. He made a great fold but I should not have bet the flop so strongly with a pair of 10s out.
- end - up $39.60

Table 5
- when table 1 became short-handed I opened another
- buy-in - $50
- get Jd10d. The flop is Ad-Q-2d and I have a big draw. It is cheap to draw but I miss - $34.50
- top-up - $50
- get 66 and call a raise of $2. Someone then re-raises to $6 and 3 other call. I am getting massive implied odds and call, but miss my set - $42.50
- end - down $23.50

- session balance - $64.15

Cash Hours = 69
Cash Profit = $456.31 ($6.61 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 45.5
Tournament Profit = $979.75 ($21.53 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1486.06 (next target reached)

June 1st - $1100
July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000


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