Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Another losing session

I had to stay up last night to play the CardPlayer tournament, and so I thought I would play some more cash games to fill the time. However, I was feeling tired and knew I was feeling impatient and that I was going to have a losing session, but I just couldn't stop myself! Here's how it went...

Table 1
- buy-in - $50
- didn't win any meaningful hands
- end - down $13.30

Table 2
- buy-in - $50
- get KK in the SB. There are 4 limpers and I make it $3. I get 2 callers. The flop is 9 high and I bet 3/4 of the pot. The big stack calls. The turn is a rag and I check-raise him to see where I am. He calls. The river is another 9 and that doesn't look good. I check and he bets $15. I know I am beat, and need to get better at folding this. However, it was a big pot and I called. He shows Q9o - $9
- top-up - $50
- end - down $39.60

Table 3
- buy-in - $50
- try to get clever with 22 after I fail to set - $37.75
- there are 2 limpers, and I limp on the button with 7h-5h. The BB raises to $2.50 and everyone calls. The flop is 9h-6h-3h, giving me a flush and a double-bellybuster straight flush draw. The pre-flop raiser bets $6, one other player calls, and I think I am ahead and raise to $20. The original raiser folds and the caller goes all-in for another $2. I call and he shows Qh-8h, so I only have 1 out, the 4h. I miss - $24.53
- top-up - $50
- lose a small pot with AKo - $41.50
- get 66 in MP and limp. The cut-off and button limp, the SB calls, and the BB min-raises to $1. We all call. The flop is Kc-6d-7c. It is checked to me, and I bet $3. The cut-off calls and the button goes all-in for $5.81. The BB calls the call-in, and as it's an under-raise I can only call aswell. The cut-off also calls. The turn is the 5d. The BB checks and I bet $9. I want the the button to go all-in for $18, the BBto call, and then I can re-raise all-in. However, the button just calls and the BB folds. The river is 5c, making the flush bit giving me a full house. I put the cut-off all-in for $9.05 and he calls. The cut-off had Kd9d and the button had K10o - $82.48
- end- down $13.74

Table 4
- buy-in - $50
- get KQo in the SB. UTG min-raises, the button calls, I call and the BB calls. The flop is 9-10-J - nice. It is checked to UTG who bets the pot, $4. The button calls and I raise to $10. UTG and button call. The turn is a 7. I bet $15, which puts UTG all-in. He calls and the button folds. I think he has a set or an overpair, and so hope the board doesn't pair. The river is a K and he shows JJ - $77.80
- get 33 in LP. UTG+1 min-raises, and 3 of us call. The flop is 3d-Qs-Js. It is checked to me, and there are a lot of draws on so I bet the pot. The button calls, the pre-flop raiser folds, and the other caller calls. The turn is Ad, making a straight for anyone with K10, and another flush draw. I bet $12 and just the button calls. I don't really know what to put him on, he is paying way too much for a flush draw and playing JJ or QQ way too slowly. The river is 2s, and I bet $20, hoping he doesn't raise! He folds - $100.55
- get Ac3c in the BB. UTG min-raises and just the blinds call. The flop is 6-3-2 and I think I may have the best hand. I bet $1.50 and they both call. The turn is another 6, and I continue to represent it. I bet $4 and just the SB calls. The river is a 2, completing my represented full house. The SB checks and I bet $8. He raises me to $30, and I have to fold. he shows 95o - what a bastard! - $84.80
- end - up $32.30

I know it was a losing session, but I am still positive as there were so many stupid mistakes that I made, that if I learn from them I can continue to beat the game. Session balance - -$34.34

Cash Hours = 74.25
Cash Profit = $496.33 ($6.68 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 47.25
Tournament Profit = $982.45 ($20.79 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1528.78 (next target reached)

June 1st - $1100
July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000


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