Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Tournament saves the day

I had been feeling pretty shit afte my big tilting sessions and was going to take some time off but couldn't not play the Titan student tourney! 69 people started. I started quite well when I got 10 10. I limped and the BB min-raised. Standard call. The flop was A-8s-7s. He checked and I nearly bet but decided to check. The turn was a 10. He bet and I raised. The river was a rag and he checked. I bet 2/3 the pot and he called, showing AsJs. I'm glad I didn't bet the flop!

After that I didn't get a hand for ages. With blinds at 300-600 and it being bubble time, I only had about 1600 and pushed from the cut-off with 95o. I was almost sure it would fold round but the BB called with Q10o. I hit trip 9s and was back in the game! I could then steal alot of blinds around the bubble (pretending the 95o play was a mistake!) and get a fairly big stack. However, once the bubble had burst, it all gets a bit crazy and I had to tighten up. On the final table, with about 6 left, I pushed on the button with A2s. The BB called with AK and luckily I flopped a 2. Next hand I got KK and pushed all-in. I was called by 10 10 and I became chip leader. I was then playing very aggressively until there were 3 people left. However, I then got completely card-dead and the other 2 finally started to show some balls. Eventually I pushed from the BB against the SB with A7o. he called with Q9s and turned a Q. Still, 3rd paid $200 so that covers my losses from the past few days.

Session balance = $194.50

Cash Hours = 82.25
Cash Profit = $412.21 ($5.01 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 54
Tournament Profit = $1189.45 ($22.03 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1651.66 (next target reached)

June 1st - $1100
July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000


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