Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Worse sessions ever = time off

I've had the worst 2 sessions. i have been playing like I'm on tilt but I have no idea why. I am now going to take a few days off to try to refresh. Here are the low-lights...

- tilt of $40 with A9 v KK on a 9 high flop
- pay off A10 with KQ on a KQJ flop
- win $25 with KQ on a K highboard
- win $25 with 10 10 on a 8 high board
- get 99 and call a raise. Flop is 772. He bets and I raise. He calls. Turn is a J and we both check. River is a 9 and he goes all-in. I call and he shows JJ.
- AA gets cracked by 10 10
- flop a nut-flush draw with AKs but miss
- someone catches a flush against my 10 10
- pay off 10 8 with 87 on a 882 flop

- session balance = -$177.28

However I did finally win Step 1!

Cash Hours = 82.25
Cash Profit = $412.21 ($5.01 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 51.25
Tournament Profit = $994.95 ($19.41 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1457.16 (next target reached)

June 1st - $1100
July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000


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