Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Sets, sets and more sets!

"I am the poker man, and I come from far away, and I can set
What can you set?
I can set... Pocket Pairs!
Pocket pocket pocket-pairs, pocket-pairs, pocket-pairs..."
- Sandy, Fleetville Youth Club DJ, circa 1994.

I had two very uneventful sessions, where I couldn't hit a hand and finished slightly down in each. I then played another hour long 4-table session where I couldn't miss! I seemed to hit so many sets, and at good times too. Here's the highlights...

- I get 44 UTG and limp. UTG+1 makes it $2 and only an LP player and me call. The flop is 4d-Jd-Qs. I bet out $4, as there is a lot of draws going on on that flop. UTG+1 makes it $8 and LP goes all-in for $12.85. I think that if i just call this all-in, then UTG+1 will push all-in if he has AA/KK. I call and UTG+1 goes all-in for $50. I immediately call, UTG shows AA and LP shows KQo = +$57.85

- I get KJo in the cut-off. It is folded to me and so I decide to make it $1.50. It is folded to the BB who min-raises to $2.50. I call with position. The flop is K-J-10. He bets $2 and I want him to continue to be the aggressor, and so just call. The turn is an 8 and he bets $5 and I raise him to $10, he calls. The river is an A. We both check and he shows 77 = +$13.30 (it's funny that when you are the big stack, people automatically assume you are just trying to bully them).

- UTG+1 makes it $2 and I decide to just call UTG+2 with QQ. LP also calls. The flop is 9-10-J. UTG+1 bets $2 and just I call. The turn is a 2. UTG+1 checks, I figure I have the best hand and bet $2. He calls. The river is a K. He checks and calls my $4 bet. He shows KK = +$11.65

- I limp with TT UTG, the cut-off min-raises and just I call. The flop is 10-7c-3c. I check, he bets $3 and I check-raise to $10. He calls. The turn is a 4c. I bet $15 and he folds = +10.65

- UTG+1 limps, UTG+2 min-raises and just the SB, the BB (me with KQs) and UTG+1 call. The flop is Kh-Jh-8. We check to the raiser and he bets $1.50. Just I call. The turn is 4h and I try to represent by betting $3.50. He calls. The river is a 3 and I bet $6. He calls with Qh-10h = -$11.65

- I get QQ in the BB. There are 2 limpers and the button makes it $1. I make it $4 and just the button calls. The flop is 4-6-8 and I bet $6. He calls. The turn is a 2, I bet another $6 and he folds = +$10.20

- MP raises to $2, LP calls and I call on the button with TT. The flop is 3-5-6. The raiser checks and the caller goes all-in for $6.47. I call and the raiser folds. The all-in player shows Q9 and I turn a 10 to end the hand = +$10.27

- I raise to $2 in MP with AA, and only the BB calls. The flop is 2-4-8. He checks and I stupidly do the same. The turn is another 4. He checks, I bet $3 and he calls. The river is a 3, he bets $5 and I call. He shows Q4s = -$10

- I make it $2 UTG with KK and get 3 callers. The flop is A-K-9, I bet $5 and get 2 callers. The turn is a 4, I bet $8 and they both fold = +$15.60

All-in-all a very pleasing run of hands, and it meant I ended the month looking like this...


It's going to be very tight whether or not I reach my target, so fingers are crossed!

Cash Hours = 143
Cash Profit = $982.50 ($6.87 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 71.25
Tournament Profit = $1468.38 ($20.61 p/h)

Total bankroll = $2500.88 ($499.12 to next target)

September 1st - $3000


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