Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Can't beat this tourney! - MushyJim

There's a tourney on Titan that I have seen advertised for a few weeks but I have always been busy. It is a $5+$0.50 MTT with a $2,000 garanteed prize pool. This week it only had 52 runner, with the top 30 being paid a minimum of $20. Now that is +EV!

I started off very badly and was kind of trying to hang on for the $20. However, when blinds were big there were about 4 limpers on my BB and i decided to push with A6s. I was called by AQ but luckily sucked out. A few hands later i called a min-raise on my BB with 6d9d. The flop came A69 and i checked to the pre-flop raiser, knowing he would bet. He went all-in, and i called. He showed 10 6 (!) and i took the pot. After that it was pretty plain sailing, and I ended up coming 6th after being caught stealing with 83s by AKs. Oh well, $80 for 2 hours of fun is not bad at all!

Cash Hours = 12
Cash Profit = $93.86

Tournament Hours = 8
Tournament Profit = $172.50

Total bankroll = $316.36 ($83.64 to next target)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36 = REACHED!
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700


Blogger UrBluffingMe said...

HELLO! did you say 52 people in a guaranteed prize pool of $2000? WHOA! I need to check out Titan.

3:45 AM

Blogger mushyjim said...

I know, amazing huh? There was $300 for first place so I was a little gutted i didn't get that. Unfortunately you have to be a student for these tournaments - are you?

4:13 AM


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