Sunday, April 30, 2006

Second 25c-50c session

It was a much better session today, and if it wasn't for one appaulling call that I made, it would have been quite profitable. As it happened it ended pretty even. However I did start to feel much more confortable in these stakes, and I tightened up my starting requirements so that I wasn't pissing away so many blinds. Still gutted about the call though...

***** Hand History for Game 4139472010 *****$50 NL Texas Hold'em - Sunday, April 30, 06:59:02 ET 2006Table Nile River (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 8
Seat 3: psylence211 ( $27.75 )
Seat 4: rvr456 ( $62.15 )
Seat 5: avielsabag ( $42.20 )
Seat 8: AngelAnger ( $119.20 )
Seat 10: PearOfTrees ( $62.15 )
Seat 7: Gemma_Gamble ( $46 )
Seat 9: a1030rlo ( $54.17 )
Seat 6: bak_phy ( $79.35 )
AngelAnger posts small blind [$0.25].
a1030rlo posts big blind [$0.50].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Gemma_Gamble [ Ts Js ]
PearOfTrees folds.
psylence211 folds.
rvr456 folds.avielsabag calls [$0.50].
bak_phy folds.
Gemma_Gamble calls [$0.50].
AngelAnger calls [$0.25].
a1030rlo checks.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 9c, 7h, Qd ]
AngelAnger checks.
a1030rlo checks.
avielsabag checks.
Gemma_Gamble bets [$1].
AngelAnger calls [$1].
a1030rlo folds.
avielsabag folds.
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kd ]
AngelAnger bets [$2].
Gemma_Gamble raises [$6].
AngelAnger calls [$4].
** Dealing River ** [ Th ].
AngelAnger bets [$26.89].
Gemma_Gamble calls [$26.89].
AngelAnger shows [ Ad, Jd ] a straight, ten to ace.
Gemma_Gamble doesn't show [ Ts, Js ] a straight, nine to king.
AngelAnger wins $66.78 from the main pot with a straight, ten to ace.

It was so rookie!

Cash Hours = 64.5
Cash Profit = $286.92 ($4.45 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 40.25
Tournament Profit = $754.35 ($18.74 p/h)

Total bankroll = $109.27 (next target reached)

May 1st - $700
June 1st - $1100
July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Started 25c-50c

I played my first session of 25c-50c last night and there is definitely a notable difference in the play. People seem to be much more aggressive, and seem to understand more about pot odds, as they chase less and bet enough to chase out draws. I played a 2 and a half hour session and ended up about $15 down. This is why I waited until I had $1,100 to move up, as I now have $100 to 'risk' to try to get used to this level. Here are some key hands...

1. I had just lost with AK and was on about $25. I had just clicked to add more chips but they wouldn't be there until the end of the hand Therefore, when I got 22 in late position I knew I would hit a set and double up. UTG raises to $2.25 and me and two other plays call. The flop comes 9h-2c-7h. The pre-flop raiser bets $5, I call and the other players fold. The turn is Qs. He checks and I bet $5. I'm not quite sure why I bet this amount, but I wanted the pot to be big enough that he would be likely to call my all-in on the river. He called and the river was 10c. He put me all-in and I called. He showed AQo. +$26

2. There are 3 late position players, including the cut-off, posting the Big Blind and I pick up AA UTG+1. I make it $3 and only the cut-off calls. The flop is 7c-10s-4s. For some reason I check and he bets $3. I raise to $10 and he goes all-in for $17 total. I call and he shows Kd 10d. He doesn't hit anything and my aces win. +$20

3. I get QcJc in the SB and call a min-raise, as do 2 other players. The flop is Jd-7c-5c which is pretty nice. I bet out $3 and 2 players call. The turn is 9c and I thought for a while how much to bet. I didn't want anyone to chase another club and decided to bet $10. Just one of them called me. The river was a pretty scary 6c. We both checked and he showed J5 for 2 pair. +$18

4. I get AKo UTG and make it $2.50 and get 2 callers. The flop is A 10 2, all spades, which is not ideal and so I try to keep the pot small. I bet $2 and get 1 caller. I know I am offering good odds for someone to chase a flush, but I don't want to risk too much on this hand. The turn is 4h and I bet $4, which he calls. The river is Jc and I'm still not really sure where I am and make a block bet of $4. He calls and shows AQ (no spade). +$14

I only only actually lost more than $10 in one hand, and apart from that just kind of lost it in dribs and drabs. This is obviously something I have to work on. Anyway the hand in which I lost...

1. I get AJo on the cut-off. There are 2 limpers before me and I limp. The button limps and the blinds call/check. The flop is A-7-8 rainbow. It is checked to me and I bet $1.75. Only the button calls. The turn is another $7 and again I'm not really sure where I am in the hand. I bet $2.25 and he calls. The river is a J which looks good. I bet $7.75 and he calls. He showed 10 9o for a straight. -$12

After this I played one heads-up game on Titan and one 6-handed STT, both of which I won. Session balance = -$9.72

Cash Hours = 63.25
Cash Profit = $286.04 ($4.52 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 40.25
Tournament Profit = $754.35 ($18.74 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1090.39 (next target reached)

May 1st - $700
June 1st - $1100
July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Friday, April 28, 2006

$1100 reached

Played the $5 tourney on Tuesday and didn't cash. I was going well until I picked up QQ and raised. I was re-raised, but withonly an M of 5 at the start of the hand it was hard to fold. He had AA and I was out in 38th with the top 30 getting paid. I then played 2 heads-up games, winning 1 and losing 1.

Then last night I played the Student freeroll. I started well, trippling up with 66 v KK v KQ on a Q 6 2 flop. However, at bubble time, blinds were 400-800 and I only had 1700. I then hit some monsters though and got up to 20k. I was a short stack joining the final table but was still confident I could take it down. However, I made a mistake playing 78s and was out in 6th out of 142. Session balance = $14.40.

Cash Hours = 60.75
Cash Profit = $299.71 ($4.93 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 39.75
Tournament Profit = $750.40 ($18.88 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1100.11 (next target reached)

May 1st - $700
June 1st - $1100
July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bad start but pulled it back

It all started badly, and I was about $45 down after 15 minutes, but I pulled it back and ended the session up. At the start I got AA, the flop came J-6-J and for some stupid reason I didn't believe anyone had a J. That cost me $28. However, I then hit a few sets and hit a straight with 54 v AJ on a A-3-6-7 board and took his stack. Session balance = $39.69

Cash Hours = 60.75
Cash Profit = $299.71 ($4.93 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 35.75
Tournament Profit = $736 ($20.59 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1085.71 (next target reached)

May 1st target = $700
June 1st - $1100
July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Heads-up sessions

I played another hour and a half session on party and played QQ incredibly badly when it was obvious that there was a bigger pair out. I ended up all-in versus JJ and AA, and JJ hit a J to take the pot. I managed to win back a few pots and ended down about $11.

I then read an article about playing heads-up to quickly build a bankroll and so i started to play just some $1 and $2 heads-up tourneys on Titan for a bit of practice. I ended up winning 7 out of 9 of them, and so I will now start playing this for higher stakes.

I just played a quick 45mins of cash game on Party and ended up about $26 so not a bad session. I have decided not to move up to 25c-50c until I have $1100 as I dont think I will feel confident enough at the moment. Session balance - $21.29.

Cash Hours = 58.5
Cash Profit = $260.02 ($4.44 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 35.75
Tournament Profit = $736 ($20.59 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1046.03 (next target reached)

May 1st target = $700
June 1st - $1100
July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

New monthly targets

Not much going on. Was going to start a long session on Party Poker but for some reason it crashed after about 15mins when i was about $2.50 down and I couldn't be bothered to try to connect again. I then went onto Titan and played like a complete goon, losing $10 at 5c-10c. However, I played the Titan tourney last night and came 22nd, getting $20. I was completely card dead, and only survived by picking up the blinds nearing the bubble. I then pushed with AK, my first premium hand, and was called by KK. Oh well. Session balance = +$2.02

I think it is time to set some more monthly targets but I'm not quite sure what to set them at. My main target is to raise enough for my flights by the time I go travelling. I found out the flight information this week and it is going to be about £1700, which is close enough to $3000. I will be going at the beginning of September and so that's the plan. This is how it has gone so far.

Start - Feb 1st - $50
March 1st - $200
April 1st - $400
May 1st - $700
June 1st - $1100
July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

I think this is going to be tough, but so far I've been above target so I will try my best to achieve this. Just need another few wins in the Titan tourneys and I should be on my way!

Cash Hours = 56.25
Cash Profit = $244.33 ($4.34 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 32.5
Tournament Profit = $730.5 ($22.48 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1024.83 (next target reached)

May 1st target = $700

Monday, April 17, 2006

$1000 reached!

I've been playing more on PartyPoker and it's been up and down. I played 5 sessions with results of +$1.50, -$18.50, +$6, +$9 and +$8.50, so all pretty even. I then played my first long session for a while. Although an hour and a half isn't long if you are playing in a tournament, I find it very hard to concentrate for much longer than this in a cash game.

Anyway I ended the session up about $60, and these are the key hands...

1. KK v JJ on a K J 5 board. Doesn't need much explaining, all the money went in. +$15.

2. I get dealt KQo on the button. There is 1 limper and I limp, the SB folds and the BB checks. The flop is KQQ rainbow (nice!). The BB checks and the limper bets the pot, $0.85. I think that if I check then this would be more likely to smell of a Q, and so I raise to $2.25, hoping for it to either look like a bluff or a K. The turn is a 5 and he bets out $1 into the $5.35 pot. I raise to $3 and he re-raises to $5. I put him on the queen now and just call, as I have position on him on the river. The river is an 8 and he bets $2 into the $15 pot. With such a small bet I am pretty confused as to what he has, and figure he won't call a raise. It's worth a go though, so I raise to $10. He min-raises back to $18 and I push all-in for $35 total. He calls and shows K8. Beauty. +$40.

3. I get 99 in MP. There are 2 limpers before me and I limp. Everyone folds to the blinds who call and check. The flop comes 4c-Ks-9s. SB bets $1, BB calls, 1 limper calls (same player with K8 in previous hand) and I raise to $4. The SB and limper call. The turn is Qc and the SB checks. Limper bets $2 and I raise to $7. SB folds and limper calls. River is a 5 and the limper checks. He only has $2 left so I put him all-in. He calls with KQ. +$17.

4. Get 93o in the BB. Flop comes 9 high. I bet it, 1 caller. Turn is a blank. I bet, he calls. River is a 3. I bet, he raises, I call. He shows 22 for trips. -$7.

5. I get JJ against a pre-flop min-raiser. I have an overpair to the board and think it's good as he check-calls all the way. He shows AA. -$7.

6. AK v A8 on A98 flop. -$5.

Anyway, all-in all a pretty pleasing session. Session balance = +$64.88

Cash Hours = 55.5
Cash Profit = $256.81

Tournament Hours = 31.5
Tournament Profit = $716

Total bankroll = $1022.81 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400 - April 1st Bankroll = $863.62 = +$463.62
May 1st target = $700

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Success at Party!

Played my favourite tournament on Tuesday but it did not go according to plan. There were only 59 entrants and 30 places paid so it shouldve been easy, but it wasn't. I laid down AA on a 9x-Js-Qs flop when i was re-raised all-in, only for him to show A10. I was then quite short and got A8 in the BB. There were two late position limpers and the flop came A 8 7. I bet out and 1 limper called. The river was a rag and I went all-in. He called with AA. I never even considered him having AA, I thought he might have enother set but had to tae the chance.

SInce then I have played about an hour of cash games on Titan and broke about even. I was doing well until I tried to make an amazing call with 33 on a J 7 6 5 2 board, thinking he had missed his flush draw. He had infact missed his flush draw, but he also had 2 pair, so not the best call.

I then decided to give PartyPoker another spin and everything went well! I only played for half an hour and made over $50 at 10c-25c. There were 3 key hands...

1. I call with 89s. The flop comes 7 10 Q rainbow and someone min-bets. I call along with a few other people. The turn is a 2. The min-better now bets about 2/3 of the pot. It was probably a fishy call, but I called. The river was a J and I bet 2/3 of the pot. he called and showed Q2.

2. I have QsJs and limp in late position. The flop comes 5h-Qh-Jd and the first to act bets out the pot. The nest player calls and I raise 4 times his bet. Just the first player calls. The turn is the Jh, nice. He checks to me and I bet $6, about half the pot. He calls. The river is 9h, and he bets out $2. The pot is about $25 annd he only has about $6 left and so I put him all-in. He folds but it's still a nice pot.

3. The very next hand I get 8d9d. An early poistion player raises to $1 and the player after him calls. I also call. The flop comes 8 8 10. the EP player bets $4 into the $3.35 pot. The next player folds and I just call. The turn is a 3. He now bets $10 into the $12 pot, and only has $8 left. I put him all-in and he calls with KK. The river is a J and I take the pot.

Session balance = $47.65

Cash Hours = 51
Cash Profit = $190.73

Tournament Hours = 31
Tournament Profit = $717.20

Total bankroll = $957.93 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400 - April 1st Bankroll = $863.62 = +$463.62
May 1st target = $700

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Not much going on

Haven't played much recently. I was cooking when the freeroll on Sunday was on and so my girlfriend played it. She ended up coming 20th, but was a bit unlucky to have KK v AA and then 10 10 v KK. Still it was pretty good as she doesn't play much. I played a little cash game and a few small STTs but nothing major. Session balance = $5

Cash Hours = 49.5
Cash Profit = $141.56

Tournament Hours = 30
Tournament Profit = $722.70

Total bankroll = $914.26 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400 - April 1st Bankroll = $863.62 = +$463.62
May 1st target = $700

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Back to Titan

I've gone back to playing cash games on Titan at 5c-10c as I just don't feel confident at Party Poker. I know losing a $25 buy-in is well within my bankroll, but it still feels a lot to me and I think it stops me playing my best poker. Anyway I played an hour on Titan and was up about $15. I also came 2nd in a $2 6-pac. Session ballance = $15.27. I also got another $5 in bonuses.

Cash Hours = 48.5
Cash Profit = $143.36

Tournament Hours = 27
Tournament Profit = $715.90

Total bankroll = $909.26 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400 - April 1st Bankroll = $863.62 = +$463.62
May 1st target = $700

Friday, April 07, 2006

Titan Tournament King

Played the freeroll again last night but they've changed it. I didn't realise until it had started but you can now re-buy in the first hour for $1, but you only get 1,000 chips when you re-buy instead of the 1,500 starting stack. I wasn't really a fan of this change, as I thought it would make the tournament looser and make it last alot longer.

Anyway it started with 121 runners and I started well, getting up to 2,500 after half an hour. However, I then got all-in pre-flop with KK v AQ. He hit his A, and I decided to rebuy. After that it all went well, and I managed to get a comfortable chip stack without really showing down a hand. I ended up winning it, and this almost covers my losses over tha last few days. Session balance = $74.

Cash Hours = 47.5
Cash Profit = $124.49

Tournament Hours = 26.5
Tournament Profit = $714.50

Total bankroll = $888.99 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400 - April 1st Bankroll = $863.62 = +$463.62
May 1st target = $700

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Turning the corner?

I played more $25 NL on Party last night and ended up losing about $35. I really have no complaints, as it was completely my bad play that caused it. I then played this morning and I was till on tilt. I moved back to 5c-10c on Titan and lost a further $16. However, I then started to focus and made about $27. Although I'm down for the session, I feel as though I am getting my confidence back on track. Session total = -$24.40

Cash Hours = 47.5
Cash Profit = $124.49

Tournament Hours = 24
Tournament Profit = $640.50

Total bankroll = $814.99 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400 - April 1st Bankroll = $863.62 = +$463.62
May 1st target = $700

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tournaments v Cash

Played a few mins of 2c-4c just before the tourney started and was up a few $'s, mostly from when I tried to introduce hammer time and ended up hitting trips against AK on a k75-7 board. Then the tournament started. I've lost a bit of confidence at the moment and so decided to play pretty tight. As it happened I was getting horrible cards and so had no choice but to play tight.

On bubble time the blinds were massive and I picked up a couple of good hands, like AKo and the unbeatable J9s, and managed to take a few blinds and got a reasonable stack. When the bubble burst, the blinds were 200-400 and i was coming about 18th out of 30 with 2k in chips. I then got AK in the BB and it folded to the SB who called. I decided to push, because if I was called I was fairly sure I was ahead, and if not then it may stop people stealing by blinds. However, the SB with a similar stack instantly called with K10. The first card out was a 10 and i didn't catch up. Session balance = +$17.21

I am now really considering giving up cash games. If you look at my stats, I average a pathetic $3.46 p/h in cash games and $26.69 p/h in tournaments. I am therefore strongly considering changing this challenge to become based solely on MTTs and STTs. I'll give it some more thought.

Cash Hours = 43
Cash Profit = $148.89

Tournament Hours = 24
Tournament Profit = $640.50

Total bankroll = $839.39 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400 - April 1st Bankroll = $863.62 = +$463.62
May 1st target = $700

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Stuck in a rut

I worked out that I'm currently on my biggest losing streak since October. I don't know what to do. I don't want to take another week off as I did that last week and I want to play! I'm just playing like a complete goon at the moment, and the CP forum league was no better. I pushed with 10 2o for no apparent reason. Oops.

Today I played 45 mins of cash game on PartyPoker and two little STTs on Titan and lost them all. I hit two sets in the cash game and didn't get paid off. One STT i lost with AA v A9, and the other I lost with A10 to AA on a A 10 x flop after he just called me pre-flop. Session balance = -$20.20

Cash Hours = 42.75
Cash Profit = $146.18

Tournament Hours = 22.75
Tournament Profit = $626.00

Total bankroll = $822.18 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400 - April 1st Bankroll = $863.62 = +$463.62
May 1st target = $700

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Bad start after my week. Firstly mis-read my hand and thought ihad the buts when i didn'y, and that cost me a $. After that it was just all going wrong, except i won a 12 person STT. Maybe i should quit for good. Daily balance = -$21.24

Cash Hours = 42
Cash Profit = $162.88

Tournament Hours = 22.25
Tournament Profit = $629.50

Total bankroll = $842.38 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700