Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sticking to Tournaments

I've decided from now on that I am pretty much to stick to tournaments. Not only do I think that I am far better at them, but I also enjoy them so much more. Last night A Game (me and a friend) played 2 tournaments (not part of this challenge) and it was enjoyable. We busted early in a Bodog tournament with Jd-10d v Ad-5d on a 6d-7d-10-8d board.

In a Stars $20 180 SNG we went deep. We managed to get to the final 4 with the chip lead. We then loat AK v KQ and AQ v A9, both all-in pre-flop. We busted in 4th. Although it's not the best to lose like this, I didn't mind it anywhere near as much as losing in a cash game. So from now on I will stick to tournaments, I just hope I win big soon!

Cash Hours = 119
Cash Profit = $529.60 ($4.45 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 63.5
Tournament Profit = $1467.19 ($23.11 p/h)

Total bankroll = $2046.79 (next target reached)

July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I have played a few cash game sessions in the last few days and this is how they've gone...

Session 1
PartyPoker, 25c-50c. 0.75 hours, 4 tables.

Only 1 key hand. I get 99 UTG and limp. An MP player makes it $2 and just I call. The flop is AQ7. I check, thinking I will be check/folding, but he just bets $1. To me this is either strong, in which case I can double up if lucky enough to hit on the turn, or weak, in which case I may be able to take the pot later on in the hand. I call and the turn is a pretty little 9. I bet $4 and he min-raises to $8. I push for $50, he calls with AQ and the river blanks.

Session 2
WorldPx, 5c-10c. 0.75 hours, 2 tables.

No key hands, I was just being a chump and wasting money.

Session 3
WorldPx, 5c-10c. 1.5 hours, 2 tables.

I just thought I'd play a little whilst I was playing some tournies. I was doing well until a key hand came up. There is an EP limper and I limp with K10s. The SB raises to 30c and the limper and I call. The flop is 10-10h-2. It is checked to me and I bet the pot. The raiser calls. The turn is Jh. He checks, I bet the pot, and he calls. The river is 6h. He checks. I put him on a overpair and hope he can't fold. I push for $8 and he called with 8h-7h. Bugger.

I signed up to BoDog recently as I have heard they have good tournaments. I have had a lot of trouble depositing but finally managed to make a meagre deposit of $20. Whilst waiting for the CP tournament last night I thought I would check them out. Although all the good guaranteed tournaments are at bad times for me, they did have a $4 beginner's tournament. I thought it would be a good idea to get to know the software. There were 135 runner and I ended up coming 2nd for $91.80.

Total new balance = $117.94

Cash Hours = 119
Cash Profit = $529.60 ($4.45 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 63.5
Tournament Profit = $1467.19 ($23.11 p/h)

Total bankroll = $2046.79 (next target reached)

July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Saturday, June 24, 2006

2 bad sessions

Session 1
Betfair, 25c-50c. 2.5 hours, 4 tables.

I had 31 pocket pairs in this session and hit an impressive 2 sets. The first of these won me a whopping $0.95. The second went like this...

I have KK in MP. It's raised to $2 in MP and I decide to just call. I am happy to give up on the hand if it becomes dangerous and I want to disguise my hand. 3 others call. The flop is K-8s-3s. The pre-flop raiser bets $8 and just I call. The turn is 4c and he checks. I go all-in for $28.30 and he calls with 9s10s. The river is As. Nice.

Session 2
PartyPoker, 25c-50c. 0.75 hours, 4 tables.

Keys hands...

- I get AK in EP and make it $2. I get 4 callers. The flop is Ac-6-9c. I bet $6 too see the reaction, and just 1 player calls. The turn is 8h. I think I am ahead and he has a worse A, and therefore drawing to 3 outs, or he has a flush draw. I bet $14 and he calls. The river is Qh. He only has $14 left and if I check and he goes all-in I would have to call, so I put him all-in instead. He calls with Jc10c.

- I get AK on the button and raise to $2. I get 1 caller. The flop is A-9-3. He checks and I bet $3. he calls. Turn is a 6. He checks and I check. The river is a 5 and he bets $10. I should fold here but for some reason I call. He shows A6.

- I get 88 in the cut-off. There are 2 limpers and I limp. The blinds call/check. The flop is 8-2-5. The first limper bets $5, the second limper calls, and I call. The blinds fold. The turn is a 10. Player 1 bets $7.13, player 2 calls and I call. In hindsight I should've raised here. The river is another 10. The both check to me and I bet $20, enough to put them both all-in. Player 1 calls, showing AA. Player 2 folds.

Sessions balace = -$85.59

Cash Hours = 116
Cash Profit = $499.06 ($4.30 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 60.5
Tournament Profit = $1379.79 ($22.81 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1928.85 (next target reached)

July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Thursday, June 22, 2006

$2k Reached!

I started back on 25c-50c and this is how it started...

About 5 hands in I get 44 in MP. 1 player limps and I limp. The button raises to $1.50 and the BB, the limper and I call. The flop is A-6-4. The BB bets $3 and the limper folds. It is a fairly safe flop for me and I just call. The button raises to $7 and the BB goes all-in for $30. I can ony be behind to another set, and so I push in for $46. The button calls. BB shows A6 and the button shows AK. The turn is an A and I lose the main pot. Although I only lost $17 on this hand, it felt like I lost the other $100 too. The is probably the bad beat for the most amount of money I've had in a cash game, and although I was annoyed, I didn't let it effect my game.

I then ground out a few pots until this hand arose...

It is folded to the cut-off who raises to $1 and I call on the button with AQ. The blinds fold. The flop is Q77. He checks and I check. The turn is a 6, he checks and I bet $2. He calls. The river is a J and he checks. I think that if he had a strong hand he wouldn't check the river, and so I bet the pot, $6.75, trying for it to look like a bluff. He pushes all-in for $31.10 and It's a tough decision but I think I'm ahead and call. He shows KJo.

That was the only big pot I won. At one pot I got 22 twice in a row and hit a set both times. On these 2 hands i won a massive $1.45 total. Overall I'm very pleased. If I had won with my 44 when I was over a 85% favorite I would've been up $115 for the session. However, I didn't tilt, and although I didn't get paid off on any of my sets, I ended up up $20.25.

Cash Hours = 112.75
Cash Profit = $584.65 ($5.19 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 60.5
Tournament Profit = $1379.79 ($22.81 p/h)

Total bankroll = $2014.44 (next target reached)

July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Back to the grind

I got back from holiday late on Sunday night and I was looking forward to hitting the tables again! Last night I played for an hour and a half on Betfair and 15mins on Worldpx before I decided I was too tired. Here's the key hands...

- I get JJ in the BB. UTG raised to $1, and he was raising a lot of hands and so I didn't necessarily put himon a strong hand. It folded to me and I re-raised to $3.75 to gain information. He called. The flop was A-Q-J, almost ideal. I bet $5 and he put me all-in for another $11. I call and he shows QJs. +$17.80

- I get AKo UTG+1. UTG limps and I raise to $1.25. The same weak player on my left calls and it is folded to the button, who goes all-in for $3.40. It is folded to me and I figure I have a better hand that the player on my left, and so raise to $5.55, thinking I would probably isolate that all-in player. Weak player calls. The flop is Kh-9h-3. I bet $6 and he calls. The turn is another 9. I thinkthe payer on my left either has a weaker K than me or a flush draw. I push all-in, hoping for a call. He folds and the all-in player shows 10 10. +$14.25

- I get AA on the button. UTG+1 raises to $1 and the cut-off re-raises to $2. I call to disguise my hand. UTG+1 calls. The flop is A-J-6. UTG+1 checks, cut-off bets $2 and I should really raise to stop UTG+1 drawing. However, I just called. UTG+1 folds. The turn is another J. The cut-off bets $5, and I call. Theriver is a 3 and the cut-off bets $1.75. He only has $3.78 left and I put him all-in, but he folds. +$12

- I get Ac-Qs on the button. UTG raises to $0.75 and gets 2 callers. I call and the BB goes all-in for $1.15. Everyone calls. The flop is Jc-4c-3c. UTG checks and UTG+1 bets $1. This player was very loose. An MP player raises to $3.75. I figure I have a lot of fold equity and push all-in for $19. UTG+1 and MP both call. UTG+1 shows Kc-10d and MP shows 33. I hit another club. In hindsight I think I played this hand poorly. MP is re-raising on a suited flop and clearly has a good hand. Therefore I don't think I have that much fold equity after all. However, MP later said that he would've folded if UTG+1 hadn't called so who knows, but I did get lucky! +$39.75

- I get QQ inthe SB. UTG min-raises and the cut-of calls. I make it $2.50 and just UTG calls. The flop is a pretty safe looking 9-4-9. I bet $2 and he goes all-in for $13.28. I think he has an over-pair, and just hope my Q's are good. I call and he shows 88. +$14.93

- Session balance = $68.05

I think I am playing alot better now and don't feel at all like tilting. Therefore I will now move back up to 25c-50c and give it a go. When I was playing on PartyPoker, PokerTracker had me listed as Semi-Loose-Passive/Aggressive. Since playing on Betfair I have tightened up a lot, and that account is listed as Tight-Aggressive/Aggressive. While I'm not completely sure, this seems to be a good thing.

Cash Hours = 111.25
Cash Profit = $564.40 ($5.07 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 60.5
Tournament Profit = $1379.79 ($22.81 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1994.19 (next target reached)

July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Thursday, June 08, 2006

New sites

I've been sticking with Betfair but not had that much success. Last night I just couldn't hit any hands and today I just seem to be losing marginal situations. For example, my QQ lost to AK and I re-raised big pre-flop with KK. The flop brought an ace and the other player went all-in and I had to fold. Each was only a small pot but they add up. However, I'm still liking Betfair and I'll stick to it for the time being.

I also signed up to after thinking I had to check it out. This site gives you 100% of rake back each week. I don't know how they manage to do this but it seems too good to be true!
I only put $50 on there and I've just been playing $0.10-$0.25. So far I have only managed to win about $8, but I will also get another $5 in rake - not bad. The only probelm is that it has very little traffic and there are only 2 tables at each level full at a time.

The also do tournies that seem to be a pretty good deal. I haven't played one yet but there are a few that look value. Last night there was a $1k guaranteed touanemt with a $10 buy-in. It only had 34 runners. Today a $500 guranteed with $5 buy-in had 26 runners. +EV!

Anyway I'm off to Germany tomorrow to see England v Paraguay and the I'm off to France for a week, so no more poker for the next week.

Session balance = -$7.54 (+$5.31 rake) = -$2.23

Cash Hours = 109.5
Cash Profit = $496.35 ($4.53 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 60.5
Tournament Profit = $1379.79 ($22.81 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1926.14 (next target reached)

July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Tournament Success

I know I have gone on about the Titan $2k guaranteed touranment before but it is honestly the best value tournament ever! I have been playing it for about 3 months and currently average about $80 a time, and it's only a $5 buy-in! The only tough part is making it to bubble-time with a stack that isn't much lower than the starting stack. Once you've sussed that, it couldn't be easier! I would say about 90-95% on the entrants are just trying to cash for $20 and are desperate to hang on for the top 30. I don't now why I am advertising this tournament - there are usually about 60-70 runners and that's plenty as far as I'm concerned!

Anyway I started very quietly, barely playing a pot for the first half an hour. I hit a set of 7s but the flush was out and I only won a tiny pot. Then an interesting hand came up. I had about 1700 (starting stack was 1500) and blinds were 25-50. UTG raised to 150 and got 4 callers. I called on the button with 99. The SB then went all-in for 1,000 total. I knew he was one of only a few people in this tournament capable of making a play, and so didn't put him on any particular strength. I decided that if it folded to me then I would call, as I would probably be a 50-50 and had great pot odds. It folded to the person before me, who called with his last 400. I thought for a while but decided I might be up against 4 overcards and thought I could find a better spot, and folded. The SB showed 88 and the caller showed JQs. The board was all rags and I would've been up to about 3,500. Oh well.

Anyway I then barely played a hand for nearly an hour. By then there were 37 people left (30 places being paid), blinds were 100-200 and I had about 1800. It was the time to start making moves. However, first I caught a nice hand. I was in the BB and got 5s2s. I wrote in the chat box "Try and steal my blinds, I have 52s!" thinking it might confuse people. Anyway it folded to the SB who just called. The flop came Js-8s-4s. SB bet 200 and I raised to 600. He called. The turn was Qc and he again bet 200. I went all-in for 1,000 and he called with 88. The board didn't pair and I was up to 3,600.

I then just stole stole stole stole stole. I very much doubt anyone on my table had ever heard of Harrington or 'M's'. I got up to about 12,000 without showing down a hand, and got to the final table in about 3rd position. With about 7 people left, the blinds were 1000-2000 and I had about 12,000, amazingly enough to be about an average stack. It then folded to the SB on my BB and he just called. I had K10o and decided to raise to 6,000. In hindsight I should've just gone all-in, but I thought there was no way he would call and so it wouldn't matter. Anway he called and the flop came 10-9-5. He checked and I went all-in. He called with 55 and I was down to 1BB!

Frustratingly it was then break time, and I assumed I had to wait 5 mins just to be blinded out on the first hand. Anyway, first hand in I get J9o and with half my stack in the SB, I'm obviously calling anything. The button also called and the BB checked. The flop came A-J-5, the BB checked and the button bet. The BB folded and the button shows 88. I triple up to 6,000!

I push all-in for about 3 hands and amazingly everyone folds (with someone even claiming they folded AQo! In this tournament I believe anything!). I got back to about 15,000 with blinds 2000-4000 and pushed on the button with 53s. The BB called with A6 but luckily I caught a 5 and was back in 2nd place. When it got to 3 left, the others finally started to get aggressive and I got completely card-dead. I ended up pushing for 20k on the button with 10d6d. The BB called with KJo. I flopped a 4-flush but didn't hit, and I was out in 3rd.

Session balance = $194.50

Cash Hours = 105.25
Cash Profit = $498.58 ($4.74 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 60.5
Tournament Profit = $1379.79 ($22.81 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1928.37 (next target reached)

July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Had it with Party

I've had a bad few days. I was losing a fair bit on Titan and PartyPoker, both really through lack of concentration and focus. That's why I have now moved to playing on Betfair. I don't think there is anything wrong with Party, I'm not getting lots of bad beats or anything, but I just think I need a change. However I haven't managed to set-up PokerTracker for Betfair yet so I don't have any hands, and typically the only one I remember, I lost.

I had Qc10c, board 6h-9c-3c-Jc, I went all-in and was called by AcKc for a £50 ($100) pot. Oh well.

Session balance = $11.81

Cash Hours = 105.25
Cash Profit = $498.58 ($4.74 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 58
Tournament Profit = $1185.29 ($20.44 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1733.87 (next target reached)

July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Bits and Bobs

Played quite a mixture. Played cash on Titan and PartyPoker and gone back to playing 5c-10c on Titan and 10c-25c on Party. There aren't many key hands, but this one I have to share...

It's 10c-25c on Party. It was about 6 hands in and I hadn't played any hands except for check-folding my blinds. I have $24.50 and limp in MP with 66 after UTG limps. An LP player raises to 75c and UTG and I call. The flop is Js-6s-6h. It checks round. The turn is 5s. UTG checks, I min-bet, LP calls, UTG min-raises, I call (to trap) and LP calls. The river is Ks. UTG bets $3. I figure he has the nits flush, and so just push in for $23.25. LP calls and UTG calls. UTG shows As2s and LP shows JJ - it doesn't get much easier than that! No matter what way I played it, I'm winning a big pot.

I also played a multi on Party and was doing well but ending up not winning much, and also lost a few heads-up games.

Session balance = $46.26

Cash Hours = 97.5
Cash Profit = $491.77 ($5.04 p/h)

Tournament Hours = 57.75
Tournament Profit = $1180.29 ($20.44 p/h)

Total bankroll = $1722.06 (next target reached)

July 1st - $1600
August 1st - $2200
September 1st - $3000

Friday, June 02, 2006

Blogger Tournament

Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

This Online Poker Tournament is a No Limit Texas Holdem event exclusive to Bloggers.

Registration code: 3473599