Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Didn't Cash

Played the $5 entry $2k garanteed tourney on Titan but for the first time I didn't cash. There were only 60 runners, and I came 36th. I was fairly short but could've hung-on for the money. Instead I pushed in the cut-off with A10s and the BB called with AJo. I flopped four to a flush, but didn't hit. What made it worse was that the BB was my nemesis from last week. I'll get you next time gadget!

Cash Hours = 39.5
Cash Profit = $193.72

Tournament Hours = 21.5
Tournament Profit = $619.90

Total bankroll = $863.62 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Monday, March 27, 2006

Busy night

Because of the impending lack of poker, I thought I'd have a big session last night and play a few tournaments. Although only 1 of them counts towards this bankroll building challenge, I'm still going to give a brief description of my evening.

5pm - $50k satelite - Pacific Poker - start
Yesterday when I was waiting for a mate to come round, I decided to play a $1+$0.10 8 seater sub-satelite for the $50k garanteed. I won it and got a $7+$0.70 seat to this satelite. There were 200 entrants and the top 20 got a ticket to the $50k garanteed.

6pm - $10+$1 deepstack - PokerStars - start
I like the deepstacks, even though they take a very long time, they feel like good value. In this one there were about 1200 entrants, with 135 places paid and top prize being $2.8k.

7.30pm - $50k satelite - Pacific Poker - finish
I was pretty confortable the whole way, with an above average stack. However, as it approached the final 20 I was just trying to hang on, and when the 21st person went out I had an M of just over 1. Close, but atleast I made it.

8pm - Student freeroll - Titan Poker - start
Because I was playing in the other tournaments, I wasn't taking this one too seriously. There were 170 runners with the top 30 being paid, 1st getting $75. I called an all-in on the 2nd hand with AKo and managed to outflop 10 10. I carried on taking a few risks.

9pm - $50k garanteed - Pacific Poker - start
Pacific tournaments usually have a very poor structure, but this had a 2000 starting stack and 15min blinds, so there was quite a bit of play. There were 760 runners with the top 80 being paid. First prize took $11k and I really wanted to turn my $1.10 into $11k!

10.30pm - Student freeroll - Titan Poker - finish
Despite playing fairly recklessly, I was managing to hit quite a few good hands and ended up coming 3rd for $50. I was pleased because when the final table started I was in 10th position, but got some good hands at key points. However, I was most pleased because I knocked out my nemesis. Earlier in the tournament I had raised with AJ and been re-raised all-in by this clown. I called and he showed A2. The flop was K2K and he doubled up and took a big chunk of my stack. There was a bit of banter afterwards, as I was pretty annoyed.

With about 7 to go I raised with 77, and clownboy again re-raised all-in. This time it wasn't too much extra to call, and he showed AJo. He missed and I knocked him out. Sweet. In the end I think I went out trying to steal with 56s.

11.30pm - $10+$1 deepstack - PokerStars - finish
Now this was annoying. I was playing this one with a friend, and after 5 and a half hours we were doing ok, coming about 100th out of 160. We hadn't picked up a single high pocket pair in all that time, but had managed to build our stack from 5k to 25k. This was still below average but easily enough to still play poker.

With blinds at 400-800 and a small ante, we picket up 77 UTG. Small raises had been taking pots quite often, and we felt that if we just limped then there would be a good chance of a raise. Therefore we decided to raise to 2k, and there were 2 callers. The flop came 9s 7c 2c. We again bet 2k into the 8k pot, trying to look weak. One of the caller raised us to 10k, and we pushed all-in. He called and showed As 9c. We were 94% favourite to win and have a 50k+ stack, good for about 30th position. However, the board came running clubs and we were out. Gutted.

12.30am - $50k garanteed - Pacific Poker - finish
It all started badly, and I was blinded down to about 1,000 in chips with blinds at 75-150. I then picked up As Qc and there was a raise to 450 UTG. UTG+1 called and I decided to push and hope to get lucky. The button re-raised all-in and it was looking bad. UTG folded and UTG+1 called, showing JJ. The button showed AK. The board came with 4 spades and I was up to 4k!

From then on it was all going well, and I was in the top 10 all the way to the bubble. However, then I stupidly tightened up way too much, and was pretty short once we were in the money. I then managed to double up, but was still short. It was folded to me on the button and I pushed with 22. The BB was the big stack, and he called with 93o. He hit a flush and I was out in 64th.

Although I'm obviously pleased that I managed to get $150 for my $1 invested, I am a little dissapointed that I played so scared around bubble time. Oh well, not a bad evening, although the running clubs still hurt.

Cash Hours = 39.5
Cash Profit = $193.72

Tournament Hours = 20.5
Tournament Profit = $625.40

Total bankroll = $869.12 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Week off

Played a little cash game and won a little, although no exciting hands to tell of. I was bored so just played a few STTs. I started with a $1 NLHE and a $1 FLOHL and won them both. I then played another Omaha HL one and came 2nd. Then I played a $2 NLHE STT and went out first on a stupid bluff.

I'm now going to take a week off from playing internet poker, starting tomorrow. The only events I am going to play are the Card Player team event and the Titan $2k garanteed tournament. The reason that I have decided to do this is because it takes up a lot of time, and I think I need a break every now and again to keep it exciting.

Cash Hours = 39.5
Cash Profit = $193.72

Tournament Hours = 18
Tournament Profit = $575.40

Total bankroll = $819.12 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Frustrating session

It was starting to be a very frustrating session. Every time i had a good starting hand, I would completely miss the flop. I had KK, the flop was A-J-x, i had QQ, the flop was A-J-10 etc etc. Then I get A10 in the BB. The flop is A-J-10 and I bet. 1 caller. Turn is a rag, I bet and I'm called. River a Q, I bet and I'm raised all-in. Nice. Then I get JJ. Flop 10 9 3. I bet, get raised, it gets called, I re-raise, first raiser goes all-in, second calls, I fold. One shows 33 so it was the right fold, but it's all very frustrating.

Then I get AA in middle position and I make it $1.25. A player in late position makes it $3. The button goes all-in for $7.50 and I push all-in after him for $22. Late position calls all-in for $20. The baord comes very 4-5-5-7-10 with 4 hearts and I'm sure I'm going to get outdrawn, but then it gets pushed towards me. I check the hand history and they had QQ and Q9o respectively. So despite a bad session, I didn make a little profit, and have now passed the $800 mark. Roll on $1k!

Cash Hours = 39
Cash Profit = $188.52

Tournament Hours = 16
Tournament Profit = $571

Total bankroll = $809.52 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Nice Start

Had a nice start. Second hand in i get AQo in the SB. It is folded to me and I raise. The BB re-raises but only small, and so i called. The flop came K 10 7 with 2 spades. I bet $1.20 and he called. The turn came a non-spade J. I bet $3 and he raised me to $10. At had the nuts at this point and pushed all-in. He called with 10 10 and luckily didn't pair the board on the river. After that there wasn't much action.

Cash Hours = 37.5
Cash Profit = $174.5

Tournament Hours = 16
Tournament Profit = $571

Total bankroll = $795.5 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Friday, March 24, 2006

Small Wins

Played for a couple of hours and was doing well, but then paid off a set with AK v 77 on a A-7-2-A board. Still ended up in profit. It's weird how quickly you get used to the stakes. When I was playing 5c-10c, 10c-25c seemed quite big, but now i just want to get up to 25c-50c as i dont think i focus enough at this level.

Cash Hours = 36.5
Cash Profit = $160.15

Tournament Hours = 16
Tournament Profit = $571

Total bankroll = $781.15 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Tit for tat

Played the $5 tourney but was a little disappointed to finish 19th for $20 (18th gets $40). So that's $14.50 profit. However, I was playing a cash table at the same time and ended up $14.59 down so that's an hour and a half for a loss of 9c. Great.

Cash Hours = 34.5
Cash Profit = $145.52

Tournament Hours = 16
Tournament Profit = $571

Total bankroll = $766.52 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

All's fair

Started playing and for some reason I was really impatient and playing like I was really on tilt. Would've lost 2 buy-ins if I didn't get extremely lucky to double up with A3 v A7 on a AAQ flop. I guess that pretty much evens out my bad beat from earlier...

Cash Hours = 33.0
Cash Profit = $160.11

Tournament Hours = 14.5
Tournament Profit = $556.50

Total bankroll = $766.61 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Good but should've been better

Played a quick hour on two tables on Party Poker. It all started very badly when I picked up KK in middle position. Under The Gun had limped, and as he was a fairly weak player and I had position, I wanted to isolate him. I raised to $1.75 and only he called. The flop came Q 5 2 rainbow, and he bet out $2. I put him on a Q, and wanted to see if he could fold it, so I raised to $6.75. He called. The river was another 2, which was a good card for me, because if he did have just a Q, without an A kicker, then his 2 pair would be no good and he was drawing to 2 outs. He then, however, went all-in for $15. I still just put him on the Q, as I doubt anyone in the $25 buy-in games would bet a big hand this strongly. I called and he turned over Q7o. The river? Stupid queen.

I did then go on a bit of a run, and picked up JJ twice and KK again to win quite big pots, and ended up $11.50 up. However, without that queen I would've been about $60 up, but that's poker.

I also played my favourite freezeout but didn't place this time.

I don't really mind if anyone reads this blog, as just by making it i feel it has improved my game. But if anyone does read it, please leave a comment and just say hi. Thanks.

Cash Hours = 32.25
Cash Profit = $152.05

Tournament Hours = 14.5
Tournament Profit = $556.50

Total bankroll = $758.55 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Loving PP

Played an hour and a half on Party Poker and I can see it being much more profitable than Titan (except Titan tournaments of course). Didn't hit anything especially good, but still made a fairly nice profit. Want to reach $1000 soon so I can move up.

Cash Hours = 31.25
Cash Profit = $140.55

Tournament Hours = 13.5
Tournament Profit = $556.50

Total bankroll = $747.05 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Time to give up on Titan

I played 2 hours of Titan cash game and ended up $6.25. The game is so slow, and when you do pick up a hand it is very unlikely you willbe paid off. Titan generally only have 2 full tables of 10c-20c running at any time, and so it is very difficult to choose a good loose table that suits my style of play.

Therefore I have transfered most of my bankroll (except the amount I need to continue playing tournaments on Titan) to Party Poker. I have played on Party Poker before and found the standard pretty poor.

I just played my first 2 hours on Party Pker, and although I ended up $3.56 down, I am pleased with my play. I lost a stack with JJ v 88 when I put him on a draw on a 2 8 9 flop with 2 hearts. However, I made most of it back, and that was even though none of my 15 pocket pairs hit sets. Therefore I think I can be profitable on Party Poker in the future.

Cash Hours = 29.75
Cash Profit = $118.71

Tournament Hours = 13.5
Tournament Profit = $556.50

Total bankroll = $725.21 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Friday, March 17, 2006

Pro's and Con's

I suck at cash games and lost over $22 in 15mins playing 10c-20c. It wasn't even a bad beat or anything, I just played a few hands dreadfully.

I won the $500 freeroll. There were 165 entrants and first took $75. I also won a ticket to a semi-final. I'm not sure how this works yes but will update when I do.

Cash Hours = 25.75
Cash Profit = $128.22

Tournament Hours = 13.5
Tournament Profit = $556.50

Total bankroll = $734.72 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I've now got the bankroll to play 10c-20c and so have started to play these stakes. I played for an hour and a half and hit some big hands (trip 8s, trip K's, nut flush and straight flush) but didn't make much on these. I then tried to drop the hammer and I overplayed AK, and so ended up a little down.

Cash Hours = 25.5
Cash Profit = $151.06

Tournament Hours = 11.5
Tournament Profit = $481.50

Total bankroll = $682.56 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Played 2 cash tables and got KK 4 times. Managed to get up to $394 and so was nearly up to the next level. I then decided to play my favourite tourney. As I've explained before it's a $5 + $0.50 tourney with a garanteed $2,ooo prize pool. This week there were 67 runners.

It all started well when I called a small raise with 88. The flop came K88 and the pre-flop raiser bet. I called. The turn was a blank and he went all-in. I gladly called and he showed AK.

After that, there wasn't much action for a while (except i folded 77 to a raise which also would've become quads and tripled me up!). I stole quite a few blinds on the bubble and managed to make it into the money with a decent stack.

However, then I started losing chips. Everytime I raised, someone would push and I would have to lay-down my marginal hand. However, I then got AA and just went all-in, hoping to look a bit frustrated. I got called by KJ and doubled up.

I didn't get involved too much at the final table, as I had a healthy stack and people were going all-in every hand. I managed to steal a few pots and then there were 5 left. At this point it took ages for anyone to go out. In the end I tried to take the blinds from the button with K7s. The BB called and the flop came 556. He checked and so did I. The turn was an 8 and he bet out half the pot. I called. The river was a 4 and he again bet half the pot. I raised him all-in, which wasn't much more, and he eventually called, showing KQ. Then I raised with AJs UTG and the SB pushed all-in. Although he was the short stack, he still had about half the number of chips as me. However, I was getting excellent pot odds and so I called. He showed 33 and the flop came 4 5 6, it looked bad. However, running diamonds gave me the pot.

The other two players then got all-in and it was heads-up. With blinds at 1k-2k, we both had almost identical stacks of 50k. On the second hand, I called the BB with 75o and he checked. The flop was 346 and I was just hoping he'd hit something! He checked and I checked behind. The turn was another 3 which wasn't ideal for me. However, I was still fairly sure I was ahead. He bet 3k and I just called, not wanting to scare him yet. The river was an A and he checked. I bet 5k, not thinking I would be called, but he check-raised me to 20k. I was obviously worried about a full-house, but as I had shown no strength I thought he might make this move with worse hands than mine. I pushed all-in and he called, showing 32o for trip 3s.

This is my biggest online win and definitely helped my bankroll! I know this challenge was supposed to be about cash-gaming, but to be honest I suck at cash games. Oh well, atleast I can now play 10c-20c.

Cash Hours = 24
Cash Profit = $157.75

Tournament Hours = 11.5
Tournament Profit = $481.50

Total bankroll = $689.25 (next target reached)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Monday, March 13, 2006

This is frustrating

I played for an hour and got my kings cracked by 6s and none of my big hands paid off, i'm only up because i got $5 bonus. This is getting very frustrating.

Cash Hours = 22.5
Cash Profit = $141.32

Tournament Hours = 9.5
Tournament Profit = $187.00

Total bankroll = $378.32 ($21.68 to next target)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Slowly does it

Started off well. I was $12 up in the first 10 hands when i doubled up with KK v A5, hit a full house with J9s and my AQ outkicked someone else's A10. I then lost a big pot though when i got all the money in on the turn with 78 on a 6 9 A 10 board. He had 9 10 and the river was a 10. Annoying but I still made a little money... It's just taking ages to get to $400!

Cash Hours = 21.5
Cash Profit = $138.99

Tournament Hours = 9.5
Tournament Profit = $187.00

Total bankroll = $375.99 ($24.01 to next target)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Friday, March 10, 2006

Back on Track

Although I did get some bad beats earlier, I probably could've managed to just lose about $20 if I didn't goon tilt. I started playing again after a break toplay football and I was really concentrating. Although I didn't win much, I'm glad things are moving in the right direction again.

Cash Hours = 20
Cash Profit = $130.61

Tournament Hours = 9.5
Tournament Profit = $187.00

Total bankroll = $367.61 ($32.39 to next target)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Bugger - MushyJim

That was an awful run. I can't remeber the number of bad-beats, suck-outs and coolers, but here's a few...

JJ v A 10 on 10 9 3 2 board - river a 10
AK v Q2s - Q2 hits a flush
55 v 9 10 on 5 9 Q flop - 9 10 hits a straight
78 v A9 on 965 flop - turn 7, river 8 = split
AA v 10 10 - 10s flop quads
KJ v Q10 on KJ6 flop, river an A
10 6 v A10 on 10 6 4 flop - turn an A

How infuriating. I lost nearly 8 buy-ins. Oh well, I've been running good lately so I guess it would catch up at some point.

Cash Hours = 18.5
Cash Profit = $115.46

Tournament Hours = 9.5
Tournament Profit = $187.00

Total bankroll = $352.46 ($47.54 to next target)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Nearly there - MushyJim

Played a quick hour of 5c-10c again and made about $12. I don't remember any key hands except flopping an open-ended straight flush draw with 7c5c and outdrawing a set of 6's, and getting KK paid of by K10 on a 10 high flop.

Before I started this challenge i had not played much cash game, and so it took me a while to get into it. However, over the past 13 hours of playing I have averaged over $10 an hour. I know this is a small sample size but I really feel I can maintain this rate at this level. However, when I get to $400 I will move up to 10c-20c and see how it goes. I can always move back down.

Cash Hours = 17
Cash Profit = $151.91

Tournament Hours = 9.5
Tournament Profit = $187.00

Total bankroll = $388.91 ($11.09 to next target)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Cashed (but only just) - MushyJim

Played a quick half an hour of cash game and made a few dollars. Firstly I called an all-in with middle-pair and luckily took it down against an OESD. The next hand I pick up KK and obviously have no respect as someone calls me down with a pair of 4's.

I then started the tournament. This week there were 66 runners with the top 30 paid again. It was all going well until I lost a big pot with 10 10 v JJ. I was then quite short stacked, but got all-in with 10 10 v AQ. He missed and I doubled up. This put me in the money but I still needed another double up. I pushed with 88 only to be called by 10 10 and was out in 24th. Getting closer to the next level though!

Cash Hours = 16
Cash Profit = $139.00

Tournament Hours = 9.5
Tournament Profit = $187.00

Total bankroll = $376.00 ($24.00 to next target)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Need to move up soon - MushyJim

I've decided to stay playing 5c-10c until i get to $400 so that i stick properly to my bankroll. However, I'm struggling to focus at the moment as i don't care enough if i lose my $5 buy-in. I lost 2 buy-ins straight away, one with QJ v KQ on a AQQ board, and one on a complete bluff. However, I hit a few other hands and ended up in profit. I'm playing the $2k garanteed tournament again tonight so hopefully i can make atleast $50 and move up stakes.

Cash Hours = 15.5
Cash Profit = $131.80

Tournament Hours = 8
Tournament Profit = $172.50

Total bankroll = $354.30 ($45.70 to next target)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bad start but ended up - MushyJim

I was playing a multi on another site at the same time so thought I would play 5c-10c again as I couldn't concentrate properly and it seems to be profitable enough at the moment anyway. I sat at 4 tables and lost 2 buy-ins in the first 10 minutes. Firstly I got all-in with KQ on a flop of QQ2 and was up against AQ. I then got all-in pre-flop with AKs v AJo and he turned a J. AFter that it all went well. I pretty much tripled up with AA and then won a big pot with KK against the person who had had AJo. He called me down with KQ on a baord of 8-6-8-6-4. He's now on the buddy list.

Cash Hours = 14.5
Cash Profit = $127.19

Tournament Hours = 8
Tournament Profit = $172.50

Total bankroll = $349.69 ($50.31 to next target)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

AA loses again - MushyJim

Only had half an hour again so played 5c-10c. Sat at 4 tables and on the very first hand on one table I am on the button with AA. There are 2 limpers and i make it 50c. The SB re-raises to $3.30 and the BB calls. Interesting. It is folded to me and I go all-in for $5 total. They both call and show JJ (SB) and Q 10 off-suit (BB). The flop comes 10-x-Q and it's all over! I won a few pots on the other tables though and made a small profit.

Cash Hours = 12.5
Cash Profit = $100.91

Tournament Hours = 8
Tournament Profit = $172.50

Total bankroll = $323.41 ($76.59 to next target)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36 = REACHED!
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700