Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Can't beat this tourney! - MushyJim

There's a tourney on Titan that I have seen advertised for a few weeks but I have always been busy. It is a $5+$0.50 MTT with a $2,000 garanteed prize pool. This week it only had 52 runner, with the top 30 being paid a minimum of $20. Now that is +EV!

I started off very badly and was kind of trying to hang on for the $20. However, when blinds were big there were about 4 limpers on my BB and i decided to push with A6s. I was called by AQ but luckily sucked out. A few hands later i called a min-raise on my BB with 6d9d. The flop came A69 and i checked to the pre-flop raiser, knowing he would bet. He went all-in, and i called. He showed 10 6 (!) and i took the pot. After that it was pretty plain sailing, and I ended up coming 6th after being caught stealing with 83s by AKs. Oh well, $80 for 2 hours of fun is not bad at all!

Cash Hours = 12
Cash Profit = $93.86

Tournament Hours = 8
Tournament Profit = $172.50

Total bankroll = $316.36 ($83.64 to next target)

March 1st target = $200 - March 1st Bankroll = $316.36 = +$116.36 = REACHED!
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Wondering what level to play - MushyJim

I only had half an hour to play after work. Usually when i don't have long to play, I end up playing very impatiently and lose. Therefore i decided to play 5c-10c again just in case. I joined 3 tables and on the very first hand i picked up 76o. There were about 6 limpers and the flop came A66. I checked and someone went all-in for $4. I called and they showed AQ. I took the pot.

On all 3 tables the play seemed to be this bad, and i'm thinking now that it may be more profitable to stay at the 5c-10c game. I'll give it some thought and decide later.

Cash Hours = 12
Cash Profit = $93.86

Tournament Hours = 6
Tournament Profit = $98

Total bankroll = $241.86

March 1st target = $200 - reached!
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Friday, February 24, 2006

Good start - MushyJim

Ok i started playing 10c-20c and the max. buy-in is $20 so i only have 10 x the buy-in so i will have to be carefull. I played 2 tables for an hour and had 2 big hands...

Hand 1
4 people limp, the SB completes, and i check on the BB with Q10o. Pot $1.20. The flop is QQ6 rainbow and the SB checks. I bet $1 and only the SB calls. Pot $3.20. The turn is a 3 and the SB checks. I bet $2.50 and the SB calls. Pot $8.20. I am now pretty sure he has a Q. The river is a beautiful 10 and the SB checks again. I have the nuts and bet $5. He cheack-raises me a further $7 and i go all-in (a further $4.20). He calls and shows Q3. I was pretty lucky on the river but i think he played it badly. If i didnt hit the 10 on the river i would've just checked behind him on the river.

Hand 2
It's the last hand before i quit and i am UTG with 7h6h. I raise to $0.70 just to mix it up, and the SB calls. Pot $1.60. The flop is Jc10h2h. SB bets out $0.40 and i raise to $1.50. He calls. Pot $4.60. Turn is 8s. He checks and i take a free card. River is Qh and SB goes all-in for $6. I'm fairly sure i have it won as he wouldn't bet this big on a higher flush. I call and he shows Q10o.

Overall I'm pretty pleased with the start. I can notice a massive difference with the play though. The play is so much tighter and probably harlf the hands just fold round to the SB.

Cash Hours = 11.5
Cash Profit = $78.42

Tournament Hours = 6
Tournament Profit = $98

Total bankroll = $226.42

March 1st target = $200 - reached!
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Reached the first target! - MushyJim

I've been away for about a week so haven't had any time to play, but got back yesterday and decided to play my favourite freeroll. 30 places get paid with 1st getting $75 and 18th-30th getting $5. Last night there were 124 runners and I managed to get to heads-up. I recently learnt that the winner also gets a ticket to a semi-final, and if they qualify through this then it's off to a live final with a big prize pool. I have come second once before, and this time i really wanted to win! We started the heads-up pretty even in chips, and he hadn't seemed to adapted to the huge blinds. Therefore I was moving in a lot and managed to build up to a 120k v 60k lead. He pulled a little bit back and then I moved in from the SB with Jh10h. He called with As7h and flopped an Ace. I was down to 40k and then moved in with Kh3h. He called with Ks2c and i thought I was in good position to regain my chip lead. He flopped a 2 though and it was all over.

I won $60 and this put me over the $200 mark. I will therefore be now moving up to the 10c-20c as at Titan you can only buy-in for a maximum of $10 and I therefore have 20 full buy-ins. I've decided that if i drop below $150 then i will move back down to 5c-10c. I will start this tonight and hopefully it will all go well.

Cash Hours = 10.5
Cash Profit = $53.92

Tournament Hours = 6
Tournament Profit = $98

Total bankroll = $201.92

March 1st target = $200 - reached!
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Blew It

Well guys, after taking beat after beat after beat after beat after beat, I am back down to $50, thats right $50. I am going to have to start all over again. However I dont know if I can take any more $0.05/$0.10 anymore, for those of you that have been reading CP you have seen the beats I have taken, and those arent even the tip of the iceberg. I have no confidence in my game right now, and cannot stand any more micro limits. I will try my luck with a few low buy-in MTTs as I have been doing well in them lately. Thanks, Orangemen.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

MushyJim's 12th Post

I am getting so pissed off. Played for another hour on 4 tables and actually got some premium hands. Doubled up with KK v 10 10 but then i got all-in with QQ on a board of 10-9-3-2 with 3 hearts out. From the betting i knew he didn't have a flush and puthim on A10. He has AdJh. The river was 5h and the stupid idiot won. Then i was inthe SB with AQo. There were 5 limpers and i completed. The BB then bet $1, which he had been doing quite alot when there were lots of limpers on his BB. It was folded to me and i pushed all-in for $6. He called with A10s and hit a runner-runner flush. I then decided to play a STT and i got all-in with KK v AK v 44. The flop was A 2 4 and i was pretty much dead. I am definitely feeling on tilt so i will stop for tonight.

Cash Hours = 10.5
Cash Profit = $53.92

Tournament Hours = 3
Tournament Profit = $38

Total bankroll = $141.92 ($58.08 to next target)

March 1st target = $200
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

MushyJim's 11th Post

This is getting annoying. I played for another hour at 4 tables and the best hand i had was 10 10. That said i was hitting a few more flops, and even hit a king high straight flush, but it was against 2 short-stacks and i didn't make much. Slow and steady wins the race...

Cash Hours = 9.5
Cash Profit = $53.17

Tournament Hours = 3
Tournament Profit = $38

Total bankroll = $141.17 ($58.83 to next target)

March 1st target = $200
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Monday, February 13, 2006

MushyJim's 10th Post

Played on 4 tables for an hour and a half anf didn't pick up a pair over 9's! Not only that, but none f my other hands were hitting flops, so i did ok to make a small profit, very frustrating though.

Cash Hours = 8.5
Cash Profit = $46.99

Tournament Hours = 3
Tournament Profit = $38

Total bankroll = $134.99 ($65.01 to next target)

March 1st target = $200
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

MushyJim's 9th Post

I get bored of cash games so played a few tournies. Won my first Omaha HL STT (only a $1 entry though) and then played a freeroll and got $5.

Cash Hours = 7
Cash Profit = $44.88

Tournament Hours = 3
Tournament Profit = $38

Total bankroll = $132.88 ($67.12 to next target)

March 1st target = $200
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Friday, February 10, 2006

MushyJim's 8th Post

Very bad start when my two pair went against a set and I lost a buy-in. Managed to win it back but not very suucessful, it's slow going at the moment.

Cash Hours = 7
Cash Profit = $44.88

Tournament Hours = 2
Tournament Profit = $30

Total bankroll = $124.88 ($75.12 to next target)

March 1st target = $200
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Grinding, Orangemen

Hey guys, finally got back on here to post. Well since my last post I have been sticking to grinding it out at the $0.05/$0.10 tables and have managed to do ok. Havent had much time between school and basketball among other things but still made a profit. Won a few pots and even hooked up with dh098017 and littlekeed from CP for a little action. Even though Keed was being a donk cause he was playing way below his usual limits, he still left with a little profit. As far as my BR, I am at $148.58 from my original $30. Gonna keep grinding it out and probably move up to $0.10/$0.25 when I get up to $200. Wish me luck, and someone please leave a freaking comment!!!! lol

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

MushyJim's 7th Post

Only played a quick half an hour and only really played two hands. Pushed all-in on a flush draw and luckily hit and tripled up, and then I called an all-in with AKs. All-inner showed KQs and I took it down.

Cash Hours = 6
Cash Profit = $44.28

Tournament Hours = 2
Tournament Profit = $30

Total bankroll = $124.28 ($75.72 to next target)

March 1st target = $200
April 1st target = $400
May 1st target = $700

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Mushyjim's 6th Post

Played for an hour and didn't get many hands. My AA lost to KQ but apart from that very uneventful and not very successful.

Cash Hours = 5.5
Cash Profit = $35.01

Tournament Hours = 2
Tournament Profit = $30

Total bankroll = $115.01

MushyJim's 5th Post

Only had half an hour to play today. Caught a few nice hands in that time though. Limped with KQs and flop came KKJ. I bet the pot and the table bully raised me. I didn't think a monster would raise me here, and i thought it was a bluff, especially as he was the tablebully. I went all-in and he folded. I then called a raise from this bully with AJs on the button. Flop came QJx. he checked, i bet, he went all-in and it wasn't much extra so i called. he showed AQ and won the pot.

However, i got the last laugh. He raised when i was in the cut-off and i had KK and flat called. The flop came QJx again and he bet. I pust him all-in and was a bit worried when he called and the turn was a 9 and the river was an A, but he showed KJ and i took the pot. I then got 99 all-in on a flop of 976 (2 hearts) against a pre-flop raiser. he showed AhKh and no heart came and i took the pot.

Although this was quite a successful alf an hour, i was trying to learn Omaha High-Low on another table and lost a few $'s.

Cash Hours = 4.5
Cash Profit = $29.08

Tournament Hours = 2
Tournament Profit = $30

Total bankroll = $109.08

Friday, February 03, 2006

Oranges 2nd post

Hey guys, I havent been on for awhile but hope to now post daily, I am just now picking up where I left off and hope to now post daily. I will update this post as play progresses. Thanks. Well I have been playing for maybe a Half and am up around $5. Im out for the night, but will continue play tommorrow. A lot of it by the way came from my KK. ending now at $78.73

MushyJim's 4th Post

I am carrying out my challenge on Titan poker, partly because I already had $50 in there and partly because I found the cash games very weak. Before tonight I had been playing 6 handed cash games, and thought tonight I would be more patient and play the 10 person cash games and hopefully show more profit. However, when I joined the 10 person table it stated that the maximum buy-in was $5 instead of $10 which is usual at other sites. Therefore, to show any decent profit I decided to multi-table. I have never really multi-tabled before but it worked quite well, and I had 4 games going atonce. It all started well on 2 tables when my AK beat QQ and my AA beat AJ on a J high flop. I managed to getthe stacks on these two tables up to $15 fairly soon.

I was hitting some monsters, with both my QQ and JJ hitting Q high and J high flops respectively. However, I wasn't getting paid on any of these, and my stacks began to dwindle. Then i got AdKd on the BB. UTG limped and a MP player made it $0.40. The button called and I made it $1.60. UTG and the original raiser called, and the button folded.

The flop came 3s6d10d and I bet out about 2/3 the pot. UTG re-raised me all-in and the original raiser called. I felt with the draw to the nut flush I was getting odds and so called. UTG showed QQ and the other player A10. I didnt hit a diamond or a K and I lost my $15. Nevermind, it was still a profitable hour.

Cash Hours = 4
Cash Profit = $21.45

Tournament Hours = 2
Tournament Profit = $30

Bankroll = $101.45

MushyJims 3rd Post

The reason I started this challenge was because I have never been much of a cash game player, and I thought I would test myself to see if I could do it. However, last night I had an urge to play a tournament and with having to stick to my bankroll, I decided to just play a freeroll. I ended up coming 5th for $30. I'm not sure if this is allowed as part of the challenge. Anyway I will play some more cash games shortly and post the results.

Cash Hours = 3
Cash Profit = $7.75

Tournament Hours = 2
Tournament Profit = $30

Bankroll = $87.75

Thursday, February 02, 2006

ryansphoto's second post

Yeah so today wasn't the best. Played 4 sit and gos. Got my money in with KK lost to 88. Got my money in with KK again lost to 88 again. Flopped 2 pair and was on the nut flush draw. Bet big and was called down by a gut shot and he hit it. Any another bad beat I cant remember. So basically I lost all 4 on bad beats. So on the bright side I went to Pacific and decided to tilt off $10.

So at Pacific started at $50 yesterday and Im still up to $80.
At Full Tilt I started with $50 and Im down to $30

MushyJim's 2nd post

Ok still not going great. Played for about an hour and started very badly. Early on i had QQ and raised and got 2 callers. Flop 8 8 5. I bet out and someone raised all-in. At these stakes people seem to slowplay everything so i doubted he had an 8, i called and he showed A5. The turn was an A and i was 1 buy-in down. However re-bought and ended the session up.

Hours = 3
Bankroll = $57.75

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

ryansphoto's first post

I deposited $50 into Pacific for .o5/.10 and $50 into Fulltilt for their $5 sit and gos. Im up about $40 in Pacific after a few hours. $20 of that is a bonus for some reason. I won the first sit and go on full tilt but lost a few some im even there.